The coming economic chaos

As much as we like to pretend this isn’t deliberate… it is.. the goal is to crash the US into ruins so that a new order, a world order, may emerge. With all of the history and access to knowledge even the average person has its hard to imagine that this coming financial crisis is accidental. The global economy that was designed and put into action in the 60’s was created to fail. Eventually.. and in the moment of crisis that it does fail (and it will) rises the answer to all of the economic woes. A world government and a world currency.

With all economies relying on each other for survival each country that participated in the new world order will emphatically embrace this new system of currency and world government.

This will be the undoing of all nations that value their culture, sovereignty, and way of life. Because by accepting this new economic and world order they sign away all of the things that distinguished them from machines.

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give your rationale without using technical analysis.

us govt seized a few million btc from some scam that happened recently, they're just dumping.

>As much as we like to pretend this isn’t deliberate… i
We know it's deliberate, ding dong

Why should great satan survive?


Fed must raise rates to stop inflation

Higher rates reduces the value of financial assets NPV

Why risk economic collapse when they can prolong the country's looting through stagflation? Perhaps they don't raise it. I will invest in short term bonds though, as the recent alarm will see those rise in value sharply.

The only thing you have to look at is US10Y.
DJ (in your picture) same as other indices have been pushed up to get better exit prices.

And if you know, then you know.

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Post you blog entry somewhere else.

they can't raise rates, there's too much debt in the system

inflation is here to stay

I'm getting refinanced from a lower interest ARM into a fixed rate. I don't care, they're gonna raise the rates to fucking 15% this year if they want to have any hope of righting this ship.

if the government can print trillions of dollars ( and they have) what's to stop them from continuing the prop up the stock market, directly or indirectly?

there may be a short term fall, but they can fake the books as long as they're printing trillions of dollars

Ye ole triple top

Its gonna crash on feb 22

>A world government and a world currency
And which country will be the leader of this world government, and who oversees this world currency, as the hegemonic power of the US is the worst its ever been and getting weaker by the day?

Fuck you, read what I said.

This is a chart of the Dow Jones. Not bitcoin.

Inflation always hits a fever pitch.

No, in 3 months or so we will see the last top before the major move down.

There has been an international body calling most of the shots in recent history. The difference is that they will be able to have a visible position of authority and they will unite as much of the world as possible to legitimize their tyranny. And most of the world will accept it out of pure convenience.