Converting to a Religion Because It's "Red Pilled" is Dumb

Some people say being a Christian is bad because it isn't "red pilled" but why would you convert to a religion for being red pilled? Religion is about getting into the best possible afterlife so you pick the religion you think is true. Pascal's wager is more of a reason for picking a religion than being red pilled.

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Yes this is what I want

Red piled is simply recognizing reality. And the reality is Christ King

Pascal's wager is idiotic. Do you think faith, actual heartfelt belief, is something you can just decide to have? Do you think an omniscient god wouldn't be able to see through your motives?

I have heartfelt belief but my belief in heaven, hell, and purgatory are what cause me to feel hostile towards anyone wanting to convert me out.

Jesus is clearly God.

For anyone who "chooses a religion" concerning Christianity hasn't been born again, it's something supernatural that happens to you when you hear the Word preached.

I didn't choose this, it happened to me.

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I feel very hostile towards anyone wanting to disprove my religion or convert me out. Is this a sign of being a true believer?

Pascal's wager addresses that, faithlet.

Maybe I was predestined to tell people to take the wager so some people do. Then God will work supernaturally with those who take the wager.

A "metanoia" happens, you can't stand sin anymore, and a daily battle against it begins.

It's why pastors like Paul Washer went to all the Southern Baptist conventions reminding them that saying you are a Christian and going to church every Sunday doesn't mean you are one, even if you say you believe the entire Bible, that doesn't mean anything, you have to have had a supernatural thing happen, and it's very difficult to explain, it's a spiritual light that comes on.

Most people who claim to be Christian have no relationship with Christ, and aren't in this daily battle.

>Religion is about getting into the best possible afterlife so you pick the religion you think is true.
If you live your life for the sake of the afterlife, isn't that a death cult?

religion should be about that which is true, which christianity luckily is

Life is a short time compared to eternity.

The phrase "redpilled" has been bastardized by Any Forums to mean anything rightwing and authoritarian or supporting thereof, when it simply meant accepting an unpleasant truth over a pleasant lie. The idea of an afterlife or reincarnation is bluepilled. The only thing that persists after you die is the things you've done while you were alive, so you've actually got to get off your ass and do something that matters.

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>muh Pascal


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The red pill is realizing that Christianity is evil and jewish, but that Jesus Christ himself was based.

I agree we should do things but if nothing happens after you die then you aren't there to see the accomplishment.

How is Christianity evil?

It is a religion, that whether on purpose or not, lead to modern leftist thinking, and is centered around death.

>so you pick the religion you think is true
Yes, precisely. Do you trust jews about anything else other than spiritual matters?

It's about understanding the divine nature of the universe, but I suppose retards might think differently. There are unfortunately a lot of you.

Centered around death but also defeating death. I don't really care if the world burns as long as I go to paradise or there is new earth.

How is your Jesus different than the Christian one?

If the media demonizes Christians then it's a sign Christianity is true.