What happened anons?

What happened anons?
I was so excited to graduate highschool in 2010. I had plans anons. I knew what I wanted in life I went to college, I struggled out of poverty. Currently working a six figure salary job. I own a house with a mortgage.
but I feel so unfulfilled. is this all there is too life?
>alarm at at 6am, hit the snooze button because fuck that shit
>Alarm at 6:30am, fuck it hit the snooze button again
>alarm at 7am...oh shit, I have to go to work!
>pop a pod in the kerig because I need my liquid jew to keep me awake enough for the road.
>think about taking a shower, but realize I don't have time, pat my messy just woke up hair with a handful of water (still have alfalfa hair that won't fucking lay down)
>still naked, find some shirt and pants off the floor *sniff, smells fine.
>grab my coffee and head for the door,
>get in car,
>shitty leaky lid on coffee mug falls off, coffee all over my white work shirt.
>no time to change, drive through an hour of shitty traffic to work
>sneak into work late.
>sit at my desk for 4 hours staring at a screen and rearranging my own shitty code to make it work better.
>manager finds a way to fuck up my program and asks me to fix some retarded shit.
>lunch break....I forgot a lunch, run to mcdonalds around the corner
>another 4 hours of screen staring.
>leave work, I don't feel like cooking tonight. drop by Taco Bell on the way home
>eat Taco bell while browsing the internet
>house is a mess because I'm too tired to do anything.
>stay up till midnight, finally go to bed
>next day repeat the cycle.

Is this all there is to life user? how do I stop being a wage slave? I'm so tired and depressed.

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it happens to the best of us, bro. crack open a onions and let your mind at ease.

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Where the fuck are your kids?

user I don't have any kids, I don't even have gf.

Fuck off. If you can’t figure out happiness with a six figure salary you should kill yourself. I’m poor as fuck and I’d give anything to be in your position you ungrateful fuck

kek that meme is funny what is it called

Hey user. I've been thinking about this. My question is, if you're already making enough money, why not work less? I'm actually curious

six figures isn't a lot of money user, I'm barely middle class. and my house is a piece of shit. I could only afford to buy something an hour away form my job user. think about that.

get fired and go on unemployment like me. ebay it up. i'm done slaving for the jew right now. about to sell my house and do somethign else.

I want enough money to retired early, but the goal post keeps moving with inflation.

Start lifting and don't touch your phone after work.

Thanks for replying so quickly! Do you think you could get some sort of remote position that would let you move somewhere with a lower cost of living?

>get fired

Okay, then go find a girl and and pop some babies inside her. I work a fucking worthless wagie job and have no problem getting laid, you should have it on EZ mode making 6 figures.

Wage cucking is designed to do this. Most folks without an inner dialogue wouldn't even notice much of what is rattling your wage cage.
Humans were probably their most content when we wuz hunter gathering but until the asteroid,
I'm sorry user, you are considered a success.

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By 2004, I knew they had camps built for us, Soviet style, I haven't been able to plan much for anything.

>make six figures
>can't be happy
Ffs pick a hobby. Tennis, fishing, shooting, antique motorbike restoration,
If that doesn't work buy some escorts and top shelf you faggot

not for the kind of work I do.

I make fuck all and live with my parents. I made that kind of money for the Pst 15 years.
it dissappears and no one treats you like you've ever worked a day in your life. within 6 months.

you're a tax slave. if you leave, you're an outcast. either way it's utter, utter bullshit.
quick MARRY A GIRL so she can screw you over in a few years when you're broken. never happened before to anyone.

how do I find a girl that isn't a whore?

I grew up being told to not date "the wrong kind of girl"

but they are ALL the fucking wrong kind of girl.

That's a real shame. I guess I kind of assumed this was more of a "why doesn't this make sense" thread. Of course if you're poor or unskilled you'll be unhappy I guess.

Not to put you down or anything. I'm not saying you're less valuable, I just mean it makes sense to be unhappy in that case?

Get married and have kids.

I'm not poor, but I'm not rich.

>wake up at 5am. one alarm.
>make coffee and porridge, get dressed in clothes set aside from previous night
> grab my coffee, oatmeal and tool bag
>get in my truck and drive 30 minutes to jobsite
>work for 4 hours while shooting the shit with coworker
>more work
>drive home, stop at store and get groceries for dinner
>get home
>lift some weights, drink a protein shake
>make dinner
>drink a couple beers
>watch tv, browse 4 chan, play video games
>fuck my bitch
>hit the hay

and on weekends i get out of town.

I’m 8 years older than you user I get it. You’re 30. Embrace your youth. This decade is going to go by really quick. The next one will be even faster. Fuck sluts. Find a good one and pump White kids into her. Move to the country. Make a lot of money. Move to Europe so your kids don’t have to endure American style diversity.

sounds like you need to spice it up, stop snoozing and exercise for that hour that you'd usually sleep in
you will feel better and exercise in the morning will get your test going for the day

it's based on pic rel, so funny lol. zach is s o y.

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OP you need to change your job for something that you love, im proud of being a mailman because they payme for only drive around the country side giving boxes to the small post offices in towns all the day i just only listen to podcast meanwhile drive slow in dirt roads.

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Where the fuck do you live that 6 figures isn't enough? Do you own an absolutely mental amount on student loans or something?

Lol I have a feeling that you're full of shit. Why would anyone making 6 figures be on this website? Tell me you do (more specific than coding). I know people with pretty great Engineering positions making 56K... I know coders making ~25/hr (roughly translates to 52K). So unless you're an exceptionally talented programmer I think you're full of shit.

>how do I find a girl that isn't a whore?

Not on dating apps or at bars. Sign up for some classes in a hobby that interests you, volunteer, go to church even if you're not religious, find some good friends and attend social gatherings etc.

If you lock yourself up in your house all day good women aren't going to just fall into your lap.

I grew up poor, and I was happier then than I am now.
I think I was even happier when I was in my early twenties because I was so hopeful for the future, that I didn't' mind working...but this is it? this was the goal? wage slave so I can be a wage slave for more money?

I'm the exact same as you except I'm making 90k as a blue collar tradie. I was just talking to a co-worker about this. I would love if the US would just deem Alaska as a free state to live and make life on your own outside the protections/restrictions of society

owe* sheitttttt

>hey guys I make six figures

Any Forums is your next step.
You will get scammed by 99.99% of the posters who are paid shills, but you may find a few LINK marines who can give you some advice.
Also read this.

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>go to church
I'm serious about this, no joke. there are about 30 young unmarried men in my age range in my church.

Not a fucking single, single woman in her 20s.

shit is extremely fucked up.

Be a trade nigger. You get the same shit pay as office niggers, but you lose weight, you build functional strength, and your coworkers are generally funny people who don't give a fuck. I actually like my coworkers. It's so weird.

And learn of a way to game the system as a smart loser by doing the minimum for your wage while using your remaining energy for your own side hustles and future.


>Most folks without an inner dialogue wouldn't even notice much of what is rattling your wage cage.
this, it still drives me fucking mad that people just do things like this everyday normally and see no issue whatsoever with this existence

Life is what you make it. I took the no work pill and found some quiet land where I set up camp. It was fun for a few months but it became very tiresome after about 2 years and I felt like I was wasting my life alone so I went back to civilization and got a office job for a few years. This grew old as well so I took the van life before it was a thing and traveled the country. I didn't really get tired of this but my funds ran out and it was hard finding places to hunt and fish since I was always somewhere new and I had no idea where to do it. After about a year I returned to the real world again. I went back to my office job where I met my wife and we have a kid and are planning on having one more. Yes I still get bored with life but my wife and daughter are about the only thing in this world that is real and dear to me. Life flies by when I'm at work and that sucks but when I come home to them its all worth it. I took the road less traveled for sure...

>LINK marines
S*rgey and his shitcoin are dead.
ICP (ticker: ICP) Is the next guaranteed 100x.
Get in now before it's too late.

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I'll sell my fucking soul for half of your salary, don't be a faggot and start spending that money on things you like, you don't fucking know are you, im 21yo in college compsci major, i don't work living with my pearnts, i spend 1$ a day i can't eat what i want i can't go outside and have fun i don't have freinds cuz if i have i can't go out with them, so please don't say that shit okay??

Yes. The fact that retards like you get to make 6 figures is why this country is absolutely fucked.

Different parts of the country have vastly different living expenses. 100k in the middle of Missouri is a high roller. 100k in Seattle Washington is poor

I don't think you realize how godd you have it. 30 years old, making 6 figures and throwing a pity party on Any Forums.

It doesn't have to be church, you just need to leave your comfort zone and do social things. Either that or just cold approach attractive women.

I break my back daily for shit wages. You have house, car and cushy office job. Your prospects are good for marriage as long as your suppress the inner autist in you.

1. if you hate your job, quit.
2. if you need a job/money, find another.
3. do what you want to do and enjoy yourself

It's okay, bro. We all know now that the "WORK HARD, MOVE UP, RETIRE COMFY" thing is no longer applicable to our lives.
it's time to stop pretending like being even slightly miserable at a job is worth it for a paycheck.

Unironically go on welfare if every job is shit. Do not play along with this kiked-up clown world any longer.

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OP is confirmed faggot 1000%

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