Is there any books on the complete history of Jews and kikery?

Is there any books on the complete history of Jews and kikery?

Obviously Culture of Critique exists and things like that that examine heebs from an anthropological perspective, but is there a work that tells the whole story, front to back, and the real reasons why they were expelled 109 times?
If not, why does this book not exist yet?

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Jews do not exist.

Mein Kampf

Nice sage Shlomo. If this 404s without an actual reply, I'm just making the thread again.

>Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

I should have clarified, a book not written by a kike.

The bible is pretty good for early history, but it ends right when they're subverting the romans with their jewish mind virus.

real Judaism has never been tried.

Nope there is none. Now you have become aware, that anti-semitism is nothing more than BS

Just since 1815 alone would be volumes and volumes.

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The talmud

I imagine this book exists somewhere, forgotten, probably written in the late 1800s or early 1900s when it was still OK to talk openly about the kike problem. But I still have yet to find it.

This is from "the rothschild timeline" by Darrell Bradford Smith. There's still a version on us archive, and there's a misleading version by the rothschilds themselves now
It's barely a husk of what it used to be, but it's still an interesting read

Henry Fords Elder Protocols of Zion

Jeez... you could write a history of social movements in the 20th century as a result of central banking...

It's pretty famous, Jose.

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Exactly. Jews have never done anything wrong. They are perfection incarnate and that's why they're so hated.

demons, saracens and jews
its a harvard textbook

here are some well documented court cases dating back to the 12th century

Yeah it has: it's called Islam.
Seriously though, that was funny.

I thought it had been proven that the Jews were never the slaves of the Egyptians. That kind of discredits at least that part of the bible.

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>I thought
you thought wrong bub