Why does Any Forums hate me?

I am a young white man who is red pilled on race and the JQ, and supports the idea of fighting for an ethnostate. However the alt-right hates me because I was born to a single teenage mother in poverty, and was in low-income housing and food stamps for most of my life. From what I see of their beliefs I would be considered "White trash" and excluded. In fact you guys even fantasize about putting me in a gas chamber, or at least cutting off my junk so I can't spread my "dysgenics" into the population, all because of circumstances I didn't choose. Why do you exclude people who want to support you?

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Is fascism, and nazism/national socialism, the same thing or two separate ideology?

Its not your fault user.
Jews belong in the ghetto, not you.
(((Capitalism))) is to blame.


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Stop begging for attention and affirmation.

>However the alt-right hates me because I was born to a single teenage mother in poverty
The alt right isn't Any Forums.
Go back to stormfront or whatever.

Fuck you and fuck whatever you want me to call you. I'm white.

Quit bitching and just excel you absolute puddle of goo.

Embracy Kelly.

Attached: NEDDY.jpg (740x399, 286.04K)

you can't sage with an image retardo.

idk wtf OP is talking about but



He's full of shit. The 'alt-right' would be fine with him, unless he's actual trash. He's doing reverse psychology, looking for love and affirmation on this forum.

You will never be them.

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Just get right user. Make some money (Trades bitch > foreman > start your own company, sell cars > go into f&i> Sales Mgr > GM, Insurance is lucrative, be a producer or produce like a madman until you are able to teach others to do your craft and make money off them...Many different ways to make money. Then just get into and stay in shape, and the only way people will be able to tell you had a single mother is when you're 34 and marry a legit 10/10 23 year old who has an 11/10 personality for a woman, and simply wants to have babies and stay home with them.

Who excluded you? Were you ostracized from a group of based lads for some reason?

I don’t believe that about you.

I see you as a victim of the modern world, but not a lost cause. If you apply yourself and try your best you can overcome the difficulties that have been forced on your life. I never judge a person for the kind of family they came from. People cannot help who their parents are.

Keep trying, don’t make your parents mistakes and remember that you have people who would stand at your side against the madness of the modern world.

I am a father of a son, I am doing my best to ensure that the future, his future is worth living in.

Here is a song for you m.youtube.com/watch?v=lwLDRViqB2I

No it's just some of the posts I've read on here

He's just probably one of those discord trannies that come in here to "slide" even when nothing is going on.

nu/pol/ is a shell of what it was. The people criticizing you are probably el goblinos, twittertards, redditors, or all of the above, they're looking to get a rise out of you. Any Forums's completely changed. What matters is the constitution of your character and the will to be better for the sake of your race.

Seriously though, that image you posted? Meditate on it. Fuck the twisted poison that slivers from people, focus on the black sun and the golden sun godess. You'll figure it out.

Attached: Sun Godess.png (1052x1320, 1.84M)

Where are you getting this from? All white men of good character are welcome.

Noone hates you. Btw only 6 million jews were killed in ww2 45 million civilians were killed, thats like 1/9, why do they get special treatment? Dont feel so bad.

What the fuck are you talking about faggot?
