When will you realize that all the talk about "leftists" is just cope

It is nonwhites that run these tech companies

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they platform leftists and ban anyone slightly right wing. i don't give a shit who the company board's figurehead is, they are our enemies

Why are we supposed go nigger out about skin color? We aren't african tribes here.

Yes. They're just occupants. They're just want to conquer the West.

They are.

>shitskins become CEOs of white companies
>society becomes into a cyberpunk dystopia

no shit!

Missing the ceo of twitter

Whats the political ramifications of Poos taking over everything that white people created?

>>shitskins become CEOs of white companies
>>society becomes into a cyberpunk dystopia
you're naive as fuck my guy. the ceo's don't control shit, the faceless board members do. the ceo is basically just an elected representative of them

Oh sure, there is more. And if its not the CEo then its a large part of the workforce. Thats why the work climate is so radically anti-right wing. it is anti white, because its full of non whites.

fair enough, but letting a shitskin as CEO is a bad symptom and a signal that something wrong is happening.

It's like having a transexual president, when that happens, your country is fucked.

They're all jews in disguise. They're in disguises specially made to look like real skin, what do you think all those foreskins are for ? It's talked about in the protocols of the elders of Zion book, they said jews will wear Indian foreskins and take over the tech industry. You should read that book sometime you'll learn a lot, it's full of secrets they never wanted to tell anyone, thats why they published and distributed it globally so we all knew what they thought we don't know what they weren't not up to

Tech company CEOs are low on the pecking order. It essentially doesn't matter who sits on the chair nowadays as they're just beholden to investor interests anyway (and to the board of directors). No joke, the reason they even put women and shitskins in those positions of power is precisely to divert attention away to random ethnic groups while simultaneously virtue signaling and placating leftist sentiment, which helps declaw leftist movements, as part of their strategy to shift their focus away from class struggle towards identity politics.

The racial label on who really controls those companies is of little relevance, though of note is the jewish overrepresentation.

God I hate poos so much
Why can't they stay in their own country and clean up that one lake? My GF filled a restraining order on a poo but the judge tried talking her out of it due to cultural differences

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>Thats why the work climate is so radically anti-right wing. it is anti white, because its full of non whites
It's well known they come to our countries because they hate us, a lot like how a lot of pol users moved to Africa over the years to be closer to the blacks

Think of people like Cenk Uygur. The guy couldnt give a fuck about actual leftists economic issues. He's just a anti-white turkish cunt. Infact the democrat party is a majority nonwhite party now.

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>No joke, the reason they even put women and shitskins in those positions of power is precisely to divert attention away to random ethnic groups while simultaneously virtue signaling and placating leftist sentiment, which helps declaw leftist movements, as part of their strategy to shift their focus away from class struggle towards identity politics.
LOL RETARD, SOCIAL MEDIA OPENLY PROMOTES MARXISM how the fuck are they suppressing "class struggle"?

Marxism is a tool used by foreign elements to gain power. The Nazis knew this 100 years ago, at the time it was jews. Today it is also non-whites.

Are there white americans left on this board? Just asking.

nonwhites and leftists are anti-white allies. What's new?

>Are there white americans left on this board? Just asking.

ok, just a rethorical quesiton.