Live in midwest america in a medium sized city

>live in midwest america in a medium sized city
>work in hotel so see people from all over the world
>the most pretentious people are those from england
>act as if being temporarily located in the midwestern usa is some kind of terrible tragedy
>tone of voice like they're talking down to you
>assume you are a simpleton
>assume you know nothing about the UK (to be fair most americans dont, but again they have a condescending tone)
>complaining about the bread being sugary (this is apparently a big issue??)

i've noticed the english have a bigger superiority complex about middle america than people from us coastal cities. what gives? i've been to england, it wasn't really that different. mostly just older, smaller, and with more transit. it wasn't as much of a culture shock as people make it out to be

Attached: England-map.jpg.gif (1561x1600, 560.69K)

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Because whether you want to admit it or not most americans have very poor education, especially in the middle of the country.

Yeah the bread being surgery is a fucking issue.

Just say you hate Anglos and go

The Midwest is my favourite place on Earth and I plan to retire there. Beautiful place with properly down to Earth people.
But yeah your bread tastes like it has been dipped in syrup

That’s too bad, English people are really nice when they come visit Florida, but then again, they actually want to be in Florida so..

Why the fuck would an american want to know anything about the UK?
Im canadian and i know all i need,
1.the uk is majority muslim
2. brits import pakis specifically to rape their daughters and wives
3. they get butthurt about soccer being soccer instead of football because deep down they know that their sport is for fags

>britmutts can't handle a little sugar in their bread

>>assume you are a simpleton
This has nothing to do with being from middle america. All americans are dumb, even the educated ones.

>Your bread is fucking shit, no one wants to eat cheese with fucking brioche you fucking corn goblin
>Get condescended to
>admit many of your countrymen are stupid
Being a prick to Americans is like hassling short people, it's only funny because they have a complex about it.

you know you can get different kinds
the market aisles really do look like that
thats not some propaganda meme*
and most sit down restaurants offer multiple choices

*except on snow storm days then people are retarded

You guys eat fucking baked beans for Breakfast. Single stupidest thing I have ever heard of outside of the fact your idiot soldiers came over here in bright red coats with drum corps.

Attached: Recruiter-1775.png (964x784, 1.52M)


Attached: 15026803517_d4f6389357_b.jpg (1024x765, 260.67K)

pick the non sweet one bongs, eat a crumpet and go fuck your little cousin with the crooked yellow teeth...

this guy gets it

Canadians are really growing on me lately.

>act as if being temporarily located in the midwestern usa is some kind of terrible tragedy
Don't worry user it has nothing to do with the Midwest

We’re going to have to operate, I’ll scrub in

I've only met English tourists once, while working at a corner store years ago. This particular group was alright, though they dressed poorly even by American standards (which are even lower at corner stores).
I even brought up Thomas Hardy cause I had just read one of his books at the time to relate to them but I don't think they knew who I was talking about.
I don't really think much of how tourists behave since anyone traveling that far from their homeland is by definition an outlier. One of the nicest guys I knew grewing up had the most brutal Scottish accent. Could barely understand what he ever said.

To be fair, even frikken dried peanuts are sweetened.