Women love men that don't care

You all need to wake up to reality and embrace the true implications of our current leftist dominant political landscape.

"Why do girls love black guys?"

The thing is, most black guys do not hold women accountable for anything. This mindset stems from a political landscape that holds them accountable for nothing.

Regardless, I've noticed any guy of any color that is rolling in pussy doesn't hold their women to any standards aside from MAYBE looks. Most women love guys that don't hold them accountable for anything, are all about "fun", and generally act overconfident with a "nothing bothers me" mindset.

This is relevant because if you've learned anything from what you see in the media, many black people (including the men) support the destruction of the nuclear family and advocate for a "live fast, die young" lifestyle. Women are drawn to that. There are people of other races that also advocate for the same thing. Women are drawn to them, too.

One thing I learned in college was that the more of a hard ass douchebag I acted like, regardless of more important qualities, the more pussy I got. I am currently in the best shape of my life, physically more attractive (better skin, better hygiene), am making more money than ever before, etc... And I'm not fucking around like I used to. Why? Because I have zero urge to go get pussy at this stage of my life given I've experienced plenty already and don't want to jeopardize my future fucking around with some attention whore that would call me a POS if I was concerned about the fact that they slept with 50 different guys in the span of a year and hasn't had a STD test since.

I think this is sad, because on some level I want a family... I know I could attract a girl and knock her up, but I know it ends in pure misery because most women are so unreliable given our current culture. Anyone else feel the same?

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Yeah, most hoodlum niggers are unfortunately more attractive than civilized, pussy-whipped wagies.

Thing is, I don't even give a shit about women/pussy anymore. I just want money.

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Yeah, but I think it's a real bummer that they consider "attractive" is the "I don't give a fuck about anything" mindset.

Sometimes I think the modern woman is attracted to everything that signals that a man would make for a terrible father.

Blobba the Mutt.

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yeah, don't put pussy on a pedestal, women can sense nice guys and it's a huge turn off for lots of reasons
>inexperienced in love/sex
>probably get his ass beat in a fight easily
>boring and not as adventurous as an asshole would be
>low self esteem
buy and carry gun with you everywhere you go and the confidence it will give you will make bitches notice you
buy a motorcycle or classic car that has personality versus a boring ass car or trunk

You can't be a good father or husband if you put your kids and your wife's opinions over your own. This is how a man ends up in hell.

A man's ultimate purpose is to die (for something meaningful, eg: his lineage). A real man shows his love for his family through his actions, not his words. He is brutally honest and exact in his moral beliefs. Women shit testing you is a good thing. It's how she tests if you are still a man.

dont do it. I knocked up a woman and it has been an utterly terrible experience.

Show us your confidence and stop using memeflags

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I don't take advice from hellbound lost people. Sex outside of marriage is called fornication, and God will burn millions upon millions of people in hell for all eternity for this sin.

Women test men, men test ideas

>buy and carry gun with you everywhere you go
good luck with that in europe

youll never prove your god exists

I was never one to hold a woman's opinion to any high degree of consideration. I can handle some of the shit tests, but the shit tests that involve pushing actual boundaries and fucking with my life I'll never understand... Because ultimately in those scenarios the only way to answer to those tests as a man is to leave, which is what I've done. It's fucked how they can do everything to push you away one second and the next they're threatening suicide if you leave them...

id beat the shit out of this fat fuck and take his girl

Is he going to fuck her or eat her?

If I did that to a woman on the street I'd be charged as a sex offender and end up in protective custody in prison.

this is the best and most truthpilled post itt

Sounds like you are gay. Just admit it and you can be happy with a man as your partner. You can use a surrogate to have children and raise them in your gay image.

>he knocks you over with a bump and sits on you

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fuck off, kike.

the sooner you realize women are only good for one thing, the sooner you wont have any hangups on women. They are meat for procreation.

lmfao. If only life were that simple. A few leg kicks and he's done. His balance is shit, guaranteed, and he is as slow as molasses

>OP posts thread: "Women love men that don't care"
>Proceeds to write a lengthy novel about women
What part of DO NOT CARE do you not understand?

Just call an ambulance if they threaten suicide. I did that to my ex and it took her a month to get out of the psych ward, bitch never bothered me again

Everything about my post goes against the stereotype, but ok.
I've enjoyed 2 girls in the same bed, son. Nothing shameful about being adverse to the idea of getting a STD and ruining my life.
I already know what I need to do to attract the average bitch, and I've done it plenty in the past. After seeing the shitshows some of my friends got into, as well as some of the shit I've personally dealt with... I'm better off waiting for a girl that wants a guy that does give a shit and better yet, a girl that actually cares about the more important things in life herself.
Oh I know, you ever walk into a girl cutting herself in your shower? Nightmare fuel.