
Role Players with SECRET clearance, retired DOD, Department of State, Foreign Service Officers, and Veterans are highly encouraged to apply

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/3109 63rd Pl, Cheverly, MD 20785/@38.9284845,-76.9057556,3a,75y,125.02h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH5FEZKWlKB7reGwy8Ku_Lg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c0b9ec119fb9:0xccec64880dc274c5!8m2!3d38.9283641!4d-76.9055347

Based, have a bump. Was starting to get bored

Hello pretty sexi girl, you want sex?

>Candidates that are interested in OCONUS events should hold a current US Passport, and be up to date on all applicable vaccines.

False Flag during the Superb Owl


>$25 - $75 an hour
I put on my wizard robe and hat...

Attached: 1623891460993.gif (498x474, 482.92K)


A swing and a miss.

Just applied, I technically have an active clearance due to being in the Navy and I have 3 years as a private security contractor

if it works you guys will be hearing from me

Pfft they probably already hired them.

go for it dude

try not to get arrested and fed to man eating pigs

Please do, although if you report back anything juicy it’ll get dismissed as a larp. Take photos if you can.

they are looking for people to participate in the upcoming trucker protests/honeypots/falseflag

Who are they going to blame this one on, Russia, alt right, anti-mandate, Canadian truckers?

everyone within 100 miles of DC should apply and document everything

I was wondering where that "Russian False Flag" video was coming from, and why they hadn't released it. Looks like they are still trying to hire the actors hahaha

Godspeed user, record whatever you can.

Bros my brain is so coomed out that even this OP image triggers my dick.

Attached: sadpep.jpg (600x602, 24.48K)

Do us all proud user!

Posted @
>02/10/22(Thu)18:51:53 No.360589125

OP Posted @
02/10/22(Thu)18:48:46 No.360588729

Only took me 2 minutes guys! I am the fastest applier that ever applied!

I can't believe people can make a living like this. I want to be a professional larper too.

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The fact that the zog has to openly advertise instead of using their network or contacts shows they are running out of boots on the ground. Most likely because the jab is thinning their ranks, as it is doing with the rest of the labor market. Time to get creative kids, the nanny is not at home.

so then... stop?

Put me in screencap, senpai


1. Peter Mendez, President and CEO

screen shot has list of NAICS Codes
>North American Industry Classification System



Attached: Screen Shot.png (1246x1314, 244.52K)

bump. im gonna run the company through the us budget/ funding report. see how much they've been paid


If the Larps happen and if Glowniggers cause a massive OP in DC, expect the following:

>Larps happening in DC, A bomb nor huge gun event happens in DC
>Glowniggers are to blame secretly
>MSM suddenly changes flak and moves on Truckers and ALL Politcal activists
>Biden declares Marital Law
>Canada calls for "Help"
>A full on Fo3 styled annexation happens, whilst this happens: Glowniggers begin their false flag in Ukraine, Russia invades Ukraine
>???? Shit happens
>WW3 or a major war

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Based and Ladybug pilled

Attached: f-20.png (1193x670, 1.43M)

Thanks for showing me the job opportunity.

Attached: 1629178980151.jpg (640x640, 108.71K)

Glowniggers are either super lazy or just stopped caring I guess

>original link to ad from indeed


Here's the address for the company listed on a Maryland corporate directory. Hmm... google.com/maps/place/3109 63rd Pl, Cheverly, MD 20785/@38.9284845,-76.9057556,3a,75y,125.02h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH5FEZKWlKB7reGwy8Ku_Lg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c0b9ec119fb9:0xccec64880dc274c5!8m2!3d38.9283641!4d-76.9055347