Kraut/pol/ - Night shift edition

So, fuck the pasta I guess...


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hello germniggers, do the low IQ africans and boat wogs have trouble reading and writing in German? ive noticed reading some posts that the words are often very long and could be difficult to spell for a black, who usually have trouble with simple English, whats the deal there and does anyone speak about it?

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I'm going to say it, Berlin is Germany's best city.

>Berlin is Germany's best city.
get the fuck out

kurze Durchsage

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I know, right? Scandalouuuusss. When I visit I have a feeling it will be my favorite and then I can't see the rest of Germany because boring.

bring back the Kaiser.

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Are you Turk or Greek, island bro ?


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Even balkanniggers here have trouble with properly speaking/writing german. So i presume it's even worse in boatnigs

any word on when covid travel restrictions will be lifted? my family lives south of bad Tölz and I'm not getting the shot.

>south of bad Tölz

Shit will be over soon. Lol trust me dude.

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What's your native tongue ?

swiss german, or more precisely the dialect spoken in the canton Bern. It is quite elegant and easily understandable for people from other cantons.

So chances of me finding a cute Viennese man to hug and kiss will fruitate?

>cute Viennese man
Kuess die Hand, gnae'e Frau.

Attached: cute-vienna-strudel.png (825x806, 255.95K)

I doubt that, but thanks for the small amount of hope. can't trust memeflaggot that much and the German travel information site seemed pretty deadset on it

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>It is quite elegant
I...can't argue with that. :/
But really, that's your native tongue ?

He looks like my uncle.


Yeah I knew a girl there once. What a fucking shithole ... Simmering, Gemeindebau, much better. :}~<

>can't trust memeflaggot that much

A moast eppa? ;)

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Do Germans have a census? detailing ethnicity, religion etc

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Yes, everyone here speaks dialect. some have a bit of influence from surrounding cantons, and up in the mountains the dialect is also different, but can still be identified as from Bern.

>Uncle Fritzl
Well, it's all downhill (downstairs) from here.

That's why I searched for it.

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Odds are low, sorry.
Continue with the single mum plan...
Hang on !
You're not Koppelichud, nor Cata ?
Good morning, vladhippie ? :)

Maybe you are right, and instead I go hand out with Leprechauns and rainbows. I mean, Germans are cute desu, dw about that but...
>Don't you ram your boat into my boat. Don't you ram your boat into my boat. Don't you fucking ram your boat into my boat.
>German, everytime: "...BAM!"
>"Jesus focking Christ m8, we haven't even left the fucking docks! What are you like some fucking river great white shark waiting to eat children?"
>Austrian pops out, was following you
>Austrian "Hey kid, look at my ankles." *shimmies*
>"Very nice man, haha, good stuff."
>*wait a minute, was that guy following me around?*
or rainbows, unicorns, and leprechauns with gold. I'm going to have to make a sane decision at some point.

Howdy. Yes, indeed.

Christoph Mörgeli and Roger Köppel
Based or cringe?

0% white (germz ain’t white. They are asiatic)

>Greif mi net au ... mit de Finger ...
>Du kaunst da an wetzn, Schasaugada! :D

Sneks can smell with their tongues ... :}~<

>That's why I searched for it.

Got even worse when they built the Hauptbahnhof there. The passage from the Südtiroler Platz is a filthy place. Gods, so happy I got outa there ...

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Oh yeah?

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How's things on the opposite side of the world ?