A DoD report on the "Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism" released after a Freedom of Information request

A DoD report on the "Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism" released after a Freedom of Information request

>This DoD-commissioned report on "Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism" makes for interesting reading. For example: "The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United States, and a component of U.S. decline."


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>Although the report is almost 10 years old, it calls attention to the "anti-racist" CRT-inspired propaganda that was already so pervasive in U.S. entertainment and education. (The author is praising this effort, in contrast to China).

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I read parts of that elsewhere. True stuff

Sorry, I'm done reading things that are written by Jews.

dey wayciss. so what?

>The Chinese are perplexed by America's pivot to "multiculturalism" - "the United States is explicitly rejecting the principles that made the country great, and united it."
"... all of this conspires to cause the breakdown of American society and the lack of purpose in life ..."

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the chinks do get shit right every now and then. I just wish our government would stop letting them in.

Full document here

Bump, fuck ZOG and fuck non-Whites, we will send them all back one day.

What is the conclusion? That we will win on the backs of African scientists they don't try to poach? Insanity at the highest levels.

Theyre absolutely correct.

There is nothing wrong here and I see the Chinese as a potential ally in restoring native rule to Europe.

Maybe they can extend their 'white monkey' (look it up) program to give us an enclave on the Chinese mainland. Like a zoo.

Says the Chinese are perplexed and view us as becoming weaker thanks to multiculturalism, never mentions the benefits. Every fucking time.

Based china lol

Wow this is based and civic-nationalist pilled.

We really need to seat multiculturalism and critical theory.

I'd prefer if they restored our homeland to us. There is an incentive for this. If they do not have strong competition from the outside they will stagnate to a"stable"position as they always have. E.g. burning maps of the outside world. No new major technology innovations in 1000 years.

Which way Chinaman? Niggers or Whites?

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I don’t disagree with you user, and there may even be sympathizers in the party in beijing, but the ones in power certainly see no reason to give us aid. They’re too busy trying to civilize niggers for their resources.