How to own the libs:

How to own the libs:
>Become strong and independent
>Become part of a strong, happy community, Church is an especially good place to find this
>Have goals you work toward
>Raise a family
>Teach them well and provide them with strong morals
>Die happy while they continue to be angry at the world
The left thrives on anger.
The left thrives on wallowing in their own misery while blaming the rest of the world.
Let them be angry. Let them wallow. Live a good life and lead as an example.
They might follow. They might remain in misery.
But you, you will be happy.

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No. I don't care if you do any of this or not. I just want you to stop starving and oppressing poor people. Why is this so hard for you people to get through your skulls?

Your definition of starving and oppressing people is us having our own communities and institutions, like churches.
Not giving endless gibs or wanting freedom from the perverts is oppression to you.

Uh no it's when you starve and oppress them.
Yes you need to give "gibs". Do you know why? Because you support capitalism, which means you support the government evicting people from rich people's property if they can't pay them a monthly fee.

so because that's the system you've created, and you support, you need to offset that by giving them "gibs" yes. Yes you need to give poor people gibs until you end your support for government evictions.

Kek OP was right it actually works

I'm not starving anyone.
I go to work, I go to Church, I participate in that community. Part of that even involves volunteering and cooking meals!
I have hobbies, I have goals I'm working towards.
These things aren't oppressing anyone, they are allowing me to find meaning and happiness in life : ^ )
I just refuse to partake in the doom and gloom of the world now.

Become an individual, live your life through action, not words.

It really is that easy. Knowing Jesus loves you is also an easy way to accomplish this

Making a small business close down because of a small cough is the definition of oppressing the poor

Why lift someone up when you can just string them along with guilt and welfare?

Again with the rent is theft shit.
Without any landlords, renters would have to purchase a new property any time they moved to a new city.
That or rely on your politburos which have shown to fucking suck. People have different ideas about living standards, and your commie blocks have their reputations for a reason. They're generic mass produced trash that oppresses anyone with initiative.
Secondly, You know what I'd do if I wasn't happy paying rent in America? I'd fucking leave. There are far cheaper properties in other countries, that would happily take them.
The fact none of these people ever do, and instead are flocking here, shows that it's far less oppressive then anything you've come up with.

Holy shit you are narrow minded as hell
What is being so priveledged in life like, where you have so muxh time to sit and blog about other people's situations?
Kys faggot

LMAO look at Dr CHUD the PhD economist here with this deep economic analysis of "renters would have to buy a new house when they move to a new city" LMAO Deep stuff dude, DEEP stuff!

It's good. I like it. I'm supremely greatful for my positive economic situation. I try to never forget what hard times were like, though.
>"lift someone up"
>"starving and evicting them"
LMFAO conservatism is full on 1984 "freedom is slavery"

You're starving people if you support capitalism, so that's the issue, as explained to you. Not that complicated. No one cares about this stupid "muh hobbies" or "muh retarded imaginary religion" idiocy you're on about.

It makes them mad and upset to no end.
I'm not doing it because I enjoy their anger. I'm doing it because I hope they learn that anger and sadness are not states of being one should exist in.
There are an endless list of things in this world that can get you down if you allow them to. I could be nothing but miserable if I chose to, and it would be justified by all that is going on today.
But that is no state to wallow in. It does you no good. It does the world no good.
Experience those feelings, understand where they come from. If you can take action to improve those things, do that! If you truly cannot, then let them go and continue with your own life!

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You are by far more wealthy then me guaranteed. Give me some bitcoin, as I cannot get help from the government because I am white. You support this duality so it is your responsibility to offset the difference

Why do you support this system if you're poor?

You have power over your mind - not outside events. If you realize this you will find strength.
Happiness is not found in wealth and material things, wisdom. It is found in life itself. The good and the bad. They are all experiences which we must accept with open hands because that is all we have.

I'm sure you've made much grander paradises. Oh wait, every time your theories are put into practice it results in untold human suffering. And you even try to stop people from complaining to boot. Do the poor have speech here or are they censored?
My parents came from one of your shitholes, I know exactly what you people are like. And exactly what you create.
The only time its only somewhat worked out (china) it's a far more fascistic system and is completely welded to capitalism as the source of its growth.
Its absolutely hilarious you're confident in any of your opinions.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you retard.

LMAO oh here we go with Dr CHUD the historian on about the USSR and China, which he factually knows absolutely nothing about. Nothing. But he'll tell you anyway "they're bad and communizm iz bad"

I'm so demoralized, depressed, and anxious. I quit drugs and alcohol recently but I haven't had a job in two years. I'm 30. It's over, isn't it? I'd be homeless if it wasn't for my loving dad. I'm such a failure. Is going to church and AA regularly enough to pull out of this? I feel worthless. I was at least delusionally happy on drugs imaging I'd turn it around at some point. Now I'm sober and hopeless. It's brutal

My parents are poles and literally grew up under communism. My mother was born there in 1955 you dipshit. And I went to poland for summers as a child.
So I'd say I know far more about the actual conditions and attitudes of the people than you. I know plenty of primary sources there.
What's yours? Some hack professor who never ventured out of academia? Going straight from taxpayer funded propaganda outlets that we call schools into the "theory" of academia?

>Become strong and independent
>Become part of a strong, happy community, Church is an especially good place to find this
>Have goals you work toward
This is only half of the equation. It's arguably more important to have good habits. Goals should only exist to stop bad habits or to create better ones.
>Raise a family
>Teach them well and provide them with strong morals
Easier said than done.
>Die happy while they continue to be angry at the world
Dying happy is probably one of the most evil things I can think of. As a man, you're supposed to die for a reason. If happiness/peace is your only reason, then you're weak.

No. One. Cares. About this fake "Muh parents grew up under communizm and it was awful!" bullshit that every right-wing idiot on the internet LARPs with.

I care faggot
neck urself

Everything about modernity is set up to make this either impossible or near-impossible, attainable for only a very tiny minority.

So no response? To any of it? Just handwaved because you're arrogant enough to think you know better?
The posters above are right, you are just a bitter faggot. And honestly, I kind of hope the kikes bring the system you want upon america some day. Just because its increasingly filled with people like you.
Remember, I can just fucking leave, and go to a healthier society. You're stuck here with the consequences of your actions.
Think for a moment, when have you ever produced a workable model that doesn't rely on direct exploitation and dictatorship?