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LMAO yea they shouldn't use the word "Yid" WTF? I'm a jew I support this, lol. Fuck this. Tha fuck are they using "Yid" for?
Imagine a football team or something called "The Oklahoma Cumskins" IDK dude, you guys wouldn't like it

Oh shit it's literally rooted in some antisemitic beef their fans had or something too. IDK dude, I don't wanna be the "SJW change the way you talk or submit to your struggle session" guy but IDK lol why the fuck are they all chanting "yid" at a football game with regard to some antisemitic beef from the past?

I agree litterally nothing wrong with Yid it's been language in my family to refer to jews for longer than memory almost
Must be another ploy to victimise jews

I guess to be fair, they're saying it started out as like a pro-jewish thing. Like some "white savior deal". Whatever man. I dunno. It'd be pretty weird to go to a football game and just have everyone chanting "YID! YID! YID!" not gonna lie. Whatever, though. If they don't mean it antisemitically then I guess I don't care that much, really.

Yea eh, now that I know the full context of it actually it's kinda like "whatever". Still pretty weird that there's a place where they chant "yid" at football games, but it's whatever

My best guess is media bullshit


I'd buy a cumskins jersey and I hate football.

they call themselves the yids because they're a historically jewish club with a jewish fanbase

Imagine if there really was a team called "The Cumskins" how much conservatives who say "The Redskins is a totally fine name for a football team!" would flip out

Yea I got it now. I read the full context and it makes sense. Kinda weird but makes sense

>y tho

shut up you dumb kike, cumskin is fucking retarded...and cracker will never be the "c-word", call us honkies as much as you want though, it's funny...how does it feel knowing no matter how many showers your take you will always smell like filth? lol

kikenham yidspur

kill yourself, please.

>be french
>speak french

>be english
>speak english

>be yid
>speak yiddish

Are they the madlads that got banned from flying? Where's your foreskin lol

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See when your people are disgusting vermin, it really doesn't matter what word you use to refer to them. It will always eventually be considered an insult. See also: every term for blacks.

I'm a Spurs fan (Tottenham Hotspur)
It because West Ham and Chelsea sung and still do songs about Jews the holocaust, pro Nazi and making hissing noise.
The Spurs fans started chanting Yids to stand up to them, for the clubs Jews roots, a lot like Niggers claiming the word calling themselves Nigger to one another.
The person pushing this is a Chelsea fan and comedian an athiest Jew by the name of David Baddel, it annoys him. We still sing it load, so load they lower the sound on TV :)

I fucking hate americans. I dont tell you faggots what your niggerball sports are doing wrong (despite there being a lot of subject matter) so leave football alone.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>Y-word triggered a poorly programmed jewbot

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Don't capitalise jew, they don't deserve it.

Is this supposed to be insulting, because using this word just makes you sound like a retarded coomer.

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Yoghourt ?

fucking yids need to be killed

He literally played in the MLS more recently than he played in the prem....

>Imagine a football team or something called "The Oklahoma Cumskins" IDK dude, you guys wouldn't like it
This needs to exist, the pinnacle of your best flex on ytfolk is among the least offensive insults in history, this needs to be immortalized


Would be better if they chanted about the holohoax instead

Arsenal makes the yids seethe. Support Arsenal to own the yids.

I like Rooney, he's based. Best British footballer of all time.

Found the kike.

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