Well? she’s waiting on your answer

Well? she’s waiting on your answer


Attached: C177CB75-0CA7-4716-AF13-BD7C8D17CA27.jpg (1170x656, 179.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She doesn’t because she is not people.

They go to husbandland, and visit the husband factory where they sell husbands and husband accesories.

not be a whore

Anime conventions

Figure it out yourself

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1200x675, 71.17K)

too bad nobody wants to marry a whore

>hairs dye
>orange tan
>clearly over 30 years old
geeeeez its as if men don't want used up roasties with shit attitude from never having to work on their personality all their life

maybe she should join onlyfans?

Let's not pretend this bitch hasn't fucked 50 guys at least.
They couldn't have all been bad.
Anyways it's too late for her now a guy is not going to marry that unless he's an idiot.

>how do people find husbands?
>ugh, not that guy
>not that guy either, yikes.
>obviously I meant Mr Charming who's 6'3", has an 8" cock and makes 200k a year, dummy

Attached: 16293792376860.jpg (464x449, 40.44K)

Stop being a Whore or a Bitch

by not being a promiscuous roast beef vag

They look for them before they turn 25.

If she has to ask then she’s spent her youth on the cock carousel. Nobody wants Tyrone’s sloppy seconds or herpes.

OP is a pedo
>random literal who twitter
>her bio has the words "cute and funny"
>op decided to search "cute and funny" into twitter for epic cunny memes
takes one to know one i guess, but you've been found out

It's already turning into a roastie. That wall must be close.

Guarantee she's rejected hundreds of guys

Women need to learn to settle. A few points.
- We live in a gynocentric society.
- In such societies male status is lowered while female status is elevated. Hypergamy kicks in, and the elevation of female status and lowering of male status results in a perceived smaller pool of men for women to chose from.

Most women have two basic options: 1) settle for a man that she deems unworthy, because realistically she won't do better. Or 2) Be a bachelorette for life.

>how to find husband
You don't.


The don't. People find wives, women find husbands.

Will she take 2 out of 3?

Uh, sweaty.. just stay virgin

No sex before marriage, it's not that hard

Attached: 5c5.png (645x770, 74.72K)

>Blast this out your window

Attached: 1292635.jpg (1125x750, 129.19K)

First you have to establish a long term relationship with a man. That means no hooking up, no cheating, and no whoring. This automatically disqualifies 80% of femcels from a husband

W o m e n

A r e


M e m e

Let's see your dick


Your dick is not that big

When their pic is 30, they are definitely 40's.
That's the iron rule of social media.

Mine unironically is.

A man of distinction like myself

Roastie been riding the cock carousel since she was 15... now that 95% of her eggs are dead, NOW she want to settle down and wonders "Where are all the good men?"

Attached: 35_Ready_To_Settle_Down.jpg (526x594, 59.9K)



be a virgin. you're not? too bad, so sad

too hard