Adonis Tuggle and his friends at Purdue U trying to get cop fired

Mr Tuggle had a struggle and now he needs a cuddle.

Old thread died. A fine scholar, a black gentleman named Adonis Tuggle, resisted arrest and now his classmates are trying to get the poor cop fired.

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>badge 91
is this a carry over from sovereign citizens? what do people think knowing a bade number will do lol

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>resist arrest
>be surprised when hand of zog enforces
niggers love wasting energy

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Looks like a shot out of a film that Tariq would jack it too.

he's definitely fingering his own asshole to this right now

>my boyfriend's neck

fucking whores

If you go to an Ivy League you are literally above the law.

Try it out.

there's nothing a girl likes more than saying she has a boyfriend
it's like a status symbol for them

Tuggle™, the sexy sequel to Peggle™ by PopCap Games. Play now for free on iOS® or Android®

>needs a cuddle
"snuggle" rhymes better with "Tuggle" and "struggle"

Kek fat adolf

I was gonna use snuggle too but decided against it at the last minute.

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Niggers venturing into snow is always a mistake for them.

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And now everybody knows her boyfriend is a bitch. She’ll ditch him or make him a few niggers before he ditches her

Fuck Adonis. Cop should have shot that nigger then the coal-burning bitch.

I love how they're big bad niggas until they encounter an out of shape cop that's pushing 40, then they're laying on the ground like a toddler wailing that they can't breathe... Embarrassing for them.

>nooooo not my heccin blackarinos!!
>they're above the law you're supposed to let them go

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This links blocked outside US for some reason but should work for US

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I wonder what his current buck status is

Maybe dont be a violent nigger resisting arresting.