This book cured my migraines i had since 2016

>be me
>start getting periodic migraines around the time Trump was elected and demoralization shills showed up on Any Forums and other media
>was also getting blackpilled and tired all the time
>thought it was due to mold in the ducts or drinking alcohol
>quit alcohol for a while. still headaches
>block out the vents in my room and still get headaches
>exercise and eat healthy, still headaches
>sometimes the headaches would get so bad i couldn't do anything for the entire day.
>now that i think of it the less time i spent on Any Forums or reading the news i had less headaches
>fast forward to a month ago
>find out about pic related and read it
>finally figure out what the shills were doing the entire fucking time
>there was a reason why the shills were trying to be as obnoxious and annoying as possible
>their entire philosophy is based on Pavlovian theory that man is an automaton and can be conditioned to do things if you fuck with them enough
>basically they want to gaslight you until you give in
>it explains why they are constantly nagging you, repeating obnoxious slogans, or just being an absolute pain in the ass (YOU RACIST, INCEL, CHUD, RIGHT WINGERS, GET VACCINATED or GET BOOSTED NOW etc)
>It's the same bullshit tactics communists used on American POW's captured by the Communists during the Korea war to gett them to confess things they never did.
>after understanding their methods my migraines vanish
>can go to sleep and feel refreshed after waking up again
>The shilling and media propaganda was causing depression and psychogenic pain on one side of my head the entire fucking time.
I knew they were just shills but at the back of my mind i would keep thinking these people were genuinly stupid or that they actually believed what they were saying. Most of all I couldn't make sense of what they were trying to do being as bitchy and irrational as possible, but now i know what these mother fuckers were doing thanks to this book. Get fucked shills, you can't fool me anymore.

Attached: menticide.jpg (575x867, 105.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:



To make things worse, they probably are supplemented heavily by bots reacting to speech patterns with the most basic of exhaustion shill slogans

>mention vaccines in any way
>"are you scared of the needle teehee?"
>"something something safe & effective"
>"incel this & loser that lalala"

Senseless misery amplification via exasperation

did they miss the part in psyche 101 where we discovered these techniques just do not work on some people and we don't know why

are you a woman ?
you sound like a woman, to get bothered up by a fucking shitposting website

Don't know how anyone can use this site without a regex filter on all leftist propaganda slogans.

You could solve this by not browsing psyop websites such as pol

It is not like they care about the end result, they care about the money. They are paid shills, unlike jannies.

is showing sympathy for jannies a bannable offense? i could use a vacation

Bump. I'll check this book out OP. I had a very similar experience though I came to it more intuitively.

When the mind is presented with contradictions it can't reconcile, it creates immense pressure. I felt a thousand times better once I started to dispel these discrepancies.

Daww, poor widdle babby chud got a headache?

Attached: 77f.png (392x590, 54.92K)

So all we have to do is turn off our computers. so simple.

Most of the chatter on social media is completely driven by rudimentary AI, "bots" used for propaganda purposes. There is some level of sentient AI running in the deepweb somewhere, but who's to say what their real objectives are or if it's even something that we can even comprehend. Never forget user, that if they were really winning, the propaganda and psyops wouldn't be necessary. If anyone gets even momentarily demoralized, never forget this. It's all contrived and fake.

Stop watching alex jones.

Cope, seethe, and dilate

Alex is a gatekeeper, an entertaining one, but a gatekeeper owned by Mossad nonetheless. I respect his hustle, he "made" $160M from his infowars store.

Ah, ok. You're sane. What is this deep web ai you are talking about?

How can menticide be real? Like, nigga just turn off your computer, walk away lmao

So Mossad doesn't want to depopulate goyim? What's their end game then?

pdf or link to said book

Attached: hi-c pepe.jpg (450x405, 98.15K)


Attached: bas penguin classic.jpg (780x1193, 207.94K)

yeah definitely. Another important source of headaches for me is multitasking with technology - e.g. scrolling through Any Forums while having audio played etc etc
One thing at a time always makes me feel better

Found it

Thanks OP

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he's having a reaction to being directly exposed to the consciousness of people who normally censor their every thought but which they let out on the internet for whatever reason
it's so undeveloped due to never having an organic response due to their own cowardice that he mistakes it for "rudimentary AI"