Welcome to the Era of Ultra-Politics

You guys still believe in regular politics? Dumb. Left is short for left handed path of Satan & Right is short for Righteous, at the Right hand of God, on the Right side of history, the opposite of wrong. You keep playing politics. We are going to be exterminating satanic leftists who Satan convinced he (and God for that matter) does not even exist.

The stupid motherfuckers actually fell for it. Leftists should be doing nothing more than to prepare to die. Do not reply. Do not complain. Make your arrangements & prepare to fucking die. You leftists have done too much over the last 7 years & more to ever come back now. There shall be no unity between Good & Godly People with God Damned Leftists. You have to flaunt your pride, you cannot hide now.

Welcome to the Era of Ultra-Politics.

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i just want to murder politicians

Is that Pangaea in your image?

Ooh shiet nigga according to the law of physics if he fires his gun he will accelerate into deep space forever LMAO

Not if he holds it really, really carefully.

Well the leftists want to kill you. Or you are a leftist, in which case, ultra-politics guys like me want to kill you. We will settle for morality-based segregation for now, as that will justify killing you in self-defense when you harass us or try to force yourselves into our lives. We are better than leftists. They are the lower left handed path of Satan. We are good & Godly people & we are not going to mingle with leftism anymore. They cannot force us, they can only force our hand now.


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You will do as you have suggested me, leftist demon of the abyss. You shall all be drowned in that blue wave of degeneracy & immorality.

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hear, hear, brother! Shit's gonna be lit.

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Retard, Left-wing and Right-wing are called like that because the people with socialist ideals used to sit at the left side of the french parliament and the people with conservative ideals used to sit at the right side of the french parliament
>on the Right side of history, the opposite of wrong
You know in other languages the word "Right" is completely different, right?

Sofa king lit.

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Cringe, kys

Do not try to devolve us back into the false paradig. It is Godly vs Ungodly & always has been. Sexual degenerates, trannies, outward faggots, pride marches with dildo dancers rubbing their toys on kids, criminals, atheists - no, they are not welcome on Earth anymore. Period. Until they are gone, they are not welcome among good people & Godly people & whoever continues to mingle with them WE WILL KNOW WHY. youtu.be/NOGEyBeoBGM

Prepare to die. Worldwide. America is Worldwide Now.


They said Jesus was a schizo. So technically, you are comparing me to Jesus. I like that. That works for me. I strive to be like Christ, who was not a pansy, yet who went into the synagogue on the sabbath, fashioned a whip & beat men for being hypocrites while flipping their tables over. Those tables were not particle board from ikea. They were sturdy & heavy. Imagine having one dropped directly on your fucking leftist pencil neck.

Besides that, English is the only language & the only one which will remain in the future. You are speaking it, aren’t you? Exactly.

(((They))) said Jesus was a schizophrenic. Tell me you are a fucking kike without telling me you are a fucking kike.

One of the greatest advantages in war is to be underestimated by your enemy. Amen, God.

The most real post ever written in your larp ass forum based on the supreme larp that is politics. Ultra-Politics is not Larp. Motherfuckers.

>i'm like jesus
Literally mentally ill skyzo