Why Jews are so successful with money?

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>implying the rental market isn't about to drop ~50%

inb4 cucks say success is measured by your loyalty to sky wizard

>implying the rental market isn't 200% overvalued
they can absorb that hit short term with ease desu

>oy vey why do they persecute me so?

Lmfao poles are serfs of the jew. Toil away wagies! You owe me 1/3 of your weekly pay!

What's the problem faggot? Is he doing something immoral or illegal?

>Toil away wagies! You owe me 1/3 of your weekly pay!
pot calling the kettle black

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its over for poland

They rally hammered down that the guy is a Jew lol

real estates in poland are fuckin more expensive than in Dubai, i fuckin despise them this country is in ruin we lost fuck niggers, kikes and anglosaxons, if I meet any american/british tourist i will fuckin punch their and put them to sleep

Higher IQ. Jews to Europeans is like Europeans to Sub-Saharan Africans.

I mean in Warasaw* because jew bought them all, population is declining but jew houses are getting expensive

They are blessed by Chesuss, it's nepotism, just a coincidence or luck, "higher IQ", ...


Warsaw apartment prices are ridiculous, I have a hard time believing that the salary in the city is that high. Who is paying these rents?

polish jews, or they live in the pod sharing apartment with 4 people

in Dubai you can get the same + swimming pool and gym in the most blocks. It's over.

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Hah all rented to nogs and slants Poolaks importing in their country

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Oh no. Where's all the Polebros telling others they're unkiked, unlike the rest of Europe?

2 bedroom? Lmao. Probably better quality Ukrainian prostitutes in Dubai too.

Is this poojeet really protesting wifi?

Any Forums is just generally jealous of wealth.

God I hope hell is real

kek this. Enjoy your free market

1. They cheat people.
2. They have an entire existing network of connections that are based on race-- jews. And they're allowed to prefer their own race.
3. They frequently purchase less garbage compared to other races, even whites. Whites accumulate "things", whereas jews would rather have money and be able to buy the thing whenever they want but don't.

find an archived post. Do it now.