How did Jesus unironically look like?

thoughts on this?:

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He looked like Matthew McConaughey. This description is taken from multiple sources including the Roman Consul of the time.

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At best he was a long haired hipster commie fag, at worst he was the weakest sand nigger. Lol at christcucks, your own apostles let their savior die. Hannibal defeated most of Rome because he felt like it, your most loyal saintly apostles let their savior be slowly tortured to death. Bro I wouldnt even let someone crucify my dog, and my dog's a yappy little cunt.

He was black.

The Bible describes Adam as white with rudy complexion. The Song of Solomon clearly describes Hebrews as Ivory in color like the snow in Lebanon ( I check this using maps and pics of Lebanon and in fact they have snowy mountain ranges. Hebrews lived here. They were white with rudy skin like rubies. Shitskins do not have red flushed skin. Jesus was described more or less like a white man. Hebrews were invaded and scattered into Europe and the whole region was filled with peoples from as far east as Iran. Then later muslims. To compare the people of today in the region to the the people that lived there 1000 BC is not even possible. The entire Mesopotamian region all the way into north India was settled by white people. Every ancient culture has statues with blue eyes. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Cope, jesus was a brown leftist revolutionary.

Like a typical jew. Have you ever seen a jew?

prob like a swarthy sandnigger who hit jackpot with his cult in a time during the roman empire where cults were flourishing like shitcoins.

go read about it, interesting stuff

As the Catholic Church portrays him as, retard. Who was it? I think it was Pilot who described him as having “golden hair and blue eyes.” The sand nigger Christ thing is a psyop. He was Aryan, as were Adam & Eve, whom the white race are direct descendants of.

This, rome was dying, cults were meaning-grifting its spiritual carcass.


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>He was Aryan
Indeed he was, if you have never read the Essene Gospels Of Peace I highly recommend it. It completely changes many of the messages of the bible and makes more sense in a better way.

Pic related

No, a jewish printing press clearly describes hebrews as ivory in color. Holy fuck, christcucks are dumb

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You don't understand the cross. The root of sin is not lust but feeling LACK which can more or less describe the feeling of being cheated such that you are a VICTIM. Thus being a victim, you harbor resentment which fuels cravings for revenge, lust, cheating others, power. Basically you rationalize your sin not as sin but as justice. Does this sound familiar yet???
Anyway. Jesus's whole ministry was that of appreciation to God for life which is shown by faith and works and obeying the law but not by the letter but by the spirit of the law which at its very core requires the OWNERSHIP of your sin, meaning you can rationalize your sin as justice to fill up what you feel you don't have. "Man cannot live by bread alone but by the very word of God, the bread of life". This is not a perfect quote but it is on the money. The cross was a proof of concept. Jesus, a man without sin was victimized but never conceded to be a victim. His words on the cross are simple, clear and true. "Whatever has been to you has been done to me first". Meaning since Jesus is the very WORD of God made flesh and the word being the force of creation is creation, all of us have sinned not just against each other but God's creation and God himself. What ever has been done to you, you have done to God from the very start. Jesus is proof that the victimized can rise above and overcome the urge to feel like a victim and therefor sin without repentance but a sense of entitlement. Sound familiar yet???
Thus Jesus by his act overcame death (the wages of sin) like a mother fucking BOSS. He open the door to heave for us by proving to Satan that a man of the flesh can be saved. If we model our lives like Jesus and understand he did not go out like a puss, but fought the good fight like a champion, our champion, then we understand what sin is, what courage is, what love is, and what overcoming our own flesh is. It is the knowledge that we all own our behaviors and choices with no excuses.

I am Orthodox, His icons are how He looks.
Basically this pic.

Something like this.

By the end of the business day, I could order 50 bibles printed with a few lines of scripture here and there altered, and then hand them out at the church down the block and you retards would eat that shit up, because you are too goddamn dumb to think that someone could rewrite the bible any damn time they please and start handing it out, you colossal faggots

Finally a succinct voice of reason. I've been trying to explain this in less words, but its a lot to cover in any case.

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OWNERSHIP of your sin, meaning you (can't) rationalize your sin

Someone did a rough reconstruction of the shroud of turin. Basically looks like .

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Based and rewriting history pilled. Not like you'd be the first KEK

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He was ugly. Beauty is vain.

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Yeah, I believe the Shroud of Turin is authentic. It just wouldn't show hair/eye color.

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Im not reading your cope post. Start deriving objective morality without mysticism. Your church elders will rape kids and call it holy. Its only a matter of time. If you get out now, you wont be smeared for being part of the pedo church when it comes out.

>church elders
Jesus calls out the pharisees, scribes and elders every chance he gets.

Makes sense. So even could be right in his assertion.