Multiculturalism - a disease

Are the Chinese correct in their assessment?

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It just shows how SICK those people are and why their a threat to democracy!



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100% correct

got a link, you racist bigot nahtsee?

No. Multiethnism is the disease. Multiculturalism is a symptom.

Diversity is our greatest strength. China is 98% racially homogenous so they can never be strong. You simply cannot be a competitive military, technological, ad economic powerhouse in the modern world without 30 million sub-Saharan Africans at minimum

what the fuck I love multiculturalism now

American government get woke and go broke, kek

We punish dissent instead of incompetence. Yes, we're over. Enjoy Ukraine!

"Component" rather than direct cause of.

Correct. 100%. Next question

That's exactly what that Chinese dude on Twitter said.

Dont need, thanks.

The Chinese don't sugar coat shit, yes it's a correct assessment.

Multiculturilism leads to a population with no identity, and as a result is easily divided and less likely to organize against the ruling classes. Although this is also backfiring on the elite because they just recently acknowledged that they aren't able to control a majority of the population anymore with uniform messaging.

It's also been pointed out by scientists in the past that whites have the highest average IQ levels, and the various brown races are much lower on the bell curve. The crap putting in the food and water isn't working fast enough to lower IQs, so they have to do it by importing the lowest quality immigrants, with the lowest IQs to lower the average IQ and make the population more malleable and vulnerable to propaganda.

Yes, but the chinese themselves are ultimately wrong. They are for monoculture, not monoracialism. They believe in culturally assimilating through marriage. They only differentiate between "good and bad races".

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From just revealed Pentagon study of China, 'Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism':
>China sees itself as the center of the universe, all others are inferior, with varying degrees of inferiority.
>The major Chinese distinction is between degrees of barbarians, the “black devils,” the savage inferiors beyond hope of interaction and the “white devils” or tame barbarians with whom the Chinese can interact
>Chinese racism provides empirical evidence of how the Chinese will treat other international actors if China becomes dominant.

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As someone above pointed out, multiculturalism isn’t actually that much of a problem, in the sense that Switzerland has German culture, French culture, and Italian culture; the problem is multiracialism- cramming together ethnic groups that are biologically relatively distant- particularly under liberal democracy and particularly when it’s the dumb violent brown ones.

We tried warning you but you choose hook nose tribe instead of Chinese people as ally. It is fate and now white people and Chinese people will be enemies

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Based pic.