They are building 250 meter tall wind turbines all over this cunt

They are building 250 meter tall wind turbines all over this cunt

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Good. That's free energy.

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Fucking windmills are trash. in 25 years when there is nothing but zoomers left to tend to these things, there will be entire nations covered in these decaying liberal energy boondoggles

Who's going to drive out to fix them when the oil is tits up this summer?

Nordcucks are specialized in sabotaging their own culture and landscapes anyways. Nothing new about this

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Yeah I honestly don't understand. It is destroying nature to save nature? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea

Good, I will be able to fly my non-FAA compliant aircraft in peace now.

Maintenance, especially de-icing cost more net energy than they produce. Its almost as if the companies that receive all these production and maintenance contracts are.....nah that sounds like a conspiracy.

Now cover it with solar panels.

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not here. not my problem. we have them here, too. bristling the landscape like whiskers in places.

Bye Bye birdies

Hello there mister 51% white nation. How are you today?

We should all supply our own power.

Cunt windmills?

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Ok paco.

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Good it looks ugly as shit

reminder, it's not free energy, they need to be repaired every 2 years or replace the wind turbine what cost money. Hydro energy is best

At least France said fuck the Germoneys and started to build new nuclear energy plants now.
We on the other hand just say yes to anything Germoney ask from us and fuck up our own nature to send the energy made to Germany
All wind power produced in Norway last year was sent out of the country

Have these been tested to survive in a "variable climate"?