Do you support cops?

Do you support cops?

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Fry them pigs like bacon

Yes because they’re the only thing stopping nigs from going full genocide on whites

>but whites would fight back against nigs if only there were no police!!!

Yea, no

The cop that punched him was charged and convicted, and also charged with stealing cocaine from a drug bust. The cop that filmed it was convicted and given 6 months I think. Both fired obviously. The guy sued and if I recall correct got 3 million $$$. he had a mental breakdown and was taken to the hospital.

No. I despise Victoria Police.

I can tell you if nigs were "going full genocide on whites " there would be a lot of dead niggers where I live

how are they stupid enough to film themselves doing that?

yes. cops are a necessary evil in order to deal with the existential threat presented to the white race and greater civil society by the nigger, the spic, the nigger, the Jew, the nigger, the mutt, and the nigger. I support the police. Only communists refuse to support the police and promote (((defund the police)))

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What was he arrested for in the first place? Why were they mad at him? Who is he?

Glownigs, zogbots, bureaucrats, think-thanks and politico-clowns reading this. Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity.

You will stand trial at Nuremburg 2 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

God is real, there is an afterlife, there will be consequences and *EVERY* debt will be paid, *IN FULL*. If not in this life then the next.

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Accept Jesus, ask Him and His Father for forgiveness for all the evil you already committed.

Apologise to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent civilians you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the genocide which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands

I think he had a breakdown and got taken to the hospital for suicide watch or something? I don't think he was even under arrest.

I support police as an institution in a homogenous white non-kiked society.


Then why are they so mad at him?

fuck all criminals.. especially unhinged white trash extremist "patriots"

cuz cops are vermin.

They're just cops beating up a person that can't fight back, just like when they kick the shit out of old people. It's the coward's power trip.

They aren't. That cop was on drugs. The guy in the video later committed suicide

Thoses are Niggers

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>Stopping nigs
They are only thing stopping whites from purging the nigs, they actively help and support them now

Theres good and bad people in every profession.

i would need context first, maybe the guy done something terrible

Pigs are the ones who stop whites from fighting back you moron....

Maybe...I don't know the crimes that led that guy to jail.
Tell me his crimes and I shall judge the actions of the officers involved, otherwise, no cigar.

those cops in the op's webm turned out to be criminals.

Cops are more overreaching by the day, fuck this bullshit. Cops are fucking faggots and are the biggest traitors in all 50whatever states.

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This. They won't tell you his name or anything. They're just using this as a prop to slander police with no context. For all we know this was a scene from an amateur movie.

Yes, I do. Them wearing bodycams everywhere has drastically increased the number of filmed shootings and other happenings, providing me with plenty of entertainment.
Do I care what happens to them? No

Thanks. I take back 5% of everything I ever said about Any Forums.


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you'll need hell of a lot of supplies, dude