We Wuz Elves N Shit

Political because the most expensive show ever made, wonderful IP about Western men, saturated with Black Elves fucking White women, and Black Dwarven princesses in 2022. New trailer will air during the Super Bowl.


Gaslighting the fans on the new "Diversity"

>“It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of [author J.R.R.] Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like,” Lindsey Weber, an executive producer of the series, told Vanity Fair, which also has several new photos from the series. “Tolkien is for everyone. His stories are about his fictional races doing their best work when they leave the isolation of their own cultures and come together.”

>Added Tolkien scholar Mariana Rios Maldonado, “Who are these people that feel so threatened or disgusted by the idea that an elf is Black or Latino or Asian?”


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We don't want a reflection of what the world looks like. Its fantasy. This thing is gonna bomb

Will never watch. I have the deluxe edition DVDs of the trilogy, and they'll never take those away from me. Those, and the books, will be what my children know LOTR to be.

You know what this means, right?
between the second and third age there was a massive genocide of all things brown.

I don't watch shit with niggers in it.


Gonna be pretty comfy to watch this crash and burn and never hear from the loser Hollywood likes again.

Disagree - it will succeed. It's a beloved story that has evergreen popularity, plus there's a huge audience for multi-ethnic casts today. However, there's no doubt this is part of the White genocide in Western culture.

>between the second and third age there was a massive genocide of all things brown.

Have a (you), fren

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We know, now stop posting about it.

this feels like some Bridgerton chronics shit

You dont watch pregnant black women?


>the Hobbit cost almost twice as much but made two-thirds of what the Jackson trilogy did
Yeah I don't think lack of diversity is the issue here

Spread it like wildfire and make these fuckers pay.

My thoughts exactly. It had to be a Black Male Elf and White Female Human.

>This thing is gonna bomb
its gonna be a huge smash hit success

We wuz n love n shit

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I saw the "first images" or whatever. You guys lied to me and said the cast had no white people. It was like 80% white people. Why is Any Forums like this?

>Beloved story
Nigger. Shitskins don't read the Silmarillion.

I just went team Saruman.

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Not in China.
>为什么神话中的欧洲会有非洲人? 他是被割耳朵的奴隶吗

Tolkien scholar Mariana Rios Maldonado

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where da white womenz at?

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>nigger elves fucking white women
>nigger dwarves

Fuck off

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you think joggers are gonna watch this? you know nothing about their culture then. white women, once again are trying to decide what is "right"