Why Holocaust denial isn't a form of free speech

Let me start this off firstly by saying I'm not against freedom of speech, but with freedom of speech comes with consequences. This is my issue with Holocaust denial. I believe denying it is a dog whistle, implying it should be done again. How is that? Neo nazis and white supremacist have been using false rhetoric to lure those into their ideology by stating one of history's biggest tragedies wassnt real. Those who were just introduced to the Holocaust denial conspiracy will start asking neo nazis questions, and they'll fill their heads with hateful nonsense and other ridiculous material. If this happens to enough people they'll be begging someone to kill the Jews. Another Holocaust would result from this rhetoric if this was allowed. We should place down harsher penalties on those who deny something this major didn't occur. It should be mandatory to go to a re-education school where they teach actual historical truths instead of bitchute nonsense. If you're charged for denying the Holocaust you should have 3 strikes and then you are out.

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can someone remind me how many people died in the holocaust?

I would deny the Holocaust, but that is against the State Department’s official website and I don’t want to be found guilty of antisemitism

Its over 5 million thats already known but estimated around 6 million

How's that possible?

Why are there so many accounts of "death camp" survivors lying bold-faced and directly contradicting each other?

Why were there medical facilities at these death camps? Why were children born (several of which survived) in the camps?

Why are we not allowed to question it, schlomo?

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Most of those survivers were honest on what they saw during the Holocaust, to call their experience a lie is to deny anyone's experience could be a lie. What evidence do you have of them lying? A few cherry picked attention whores?
>medical facilities in death camps
For the officers

Those children were rape babies from nazi soldiers and Jewish women

If it never happened, how would its denial make it happen 'again'?

Free speech isn't free speech if the consequences of it are enforced by the government.

There's no point in time where conspiracy theorists will be leading the charge for a second holocaust. Forcing people into reeducation camps is communist bullshit.

Sure, all Nazis should be summarily shot in sight like in world war 2, but denying the Holocaust and being a Nazi are two different things.

The former president of Iran was trolling when he denied the Holocaust. His logic was that if the Holocaust really happened then Germany would have been punished and forced to give their land to the Jews, so it must not have happened if Germany wasn't punished.

Again I know this is a white supremacist dogwhistle

They have actual pictures of prisoners being treat in these hospitals.

Not most of them, plenty of women came to the camps pregnant already.

Get behind me satan

We have always been at war with Eurasia

Those prisoners were having their organs harvested to aid the germans during the war.
Ofc they'd force pregnant women in there

Denying the Holocaust serves the agenda of neo nazis and white supremacists

how the fuck would organ harvesting factor into an international conflict

you can't sell 12 million kidneys in 6 years in the 40's you filthy kikester.

Just like you couldn't kill 6 million jews in a continent with less than 2 million jews living there.

And that's a good thing. White supremacists are the protagonist of the modern world.

Not all Jewish kidneys were valuable, hence why the death camps had medical centers. To give the illusion that it's just an internment camp and not a coffin

White supremacist are the enemies of humanity and karmas a bitch

Oy the humanity. The Rollercoasters into the ovens, the horrible masturbation machines, the Nazis playing soccer with the heads, the Tom and Jerry gun barrels in the walls, the electric swimming pool.
It truly was a Shoah.

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I am an expert on the Holocaust, and though the nazis did experiment torture techniques on Jews most of these are usually false and posted to poison the well and distract people from the truth.
The electric pool one was real

You are absolutely retarded if you believe these macabre, Hollywood-tier horror stories. The reason Nazi Germany is portrayed as comically evil is to justify and overshadow the war crimes committed by the allies.rtpad8

Then declare war on Nazis again and handle it accordingly. Most Nazis aren't willing to stop calling themselves Nazis and it'll really make people think twice about embracing nonsense when Nazis start getting killed again. We should have never stopped killing Nazis.

>it is a dog whistle, implying it should be done again.
So you want them to fake ANOTHER holocaust to get a SECOND ISRAEL? Pretty greedy, you already have one ethnostate.


We are already at war and they are losing. One day these scum will be hanged on bridges