The Middle Class are the Enemies

The middle class ARE rich... there's no denying that. They can afford cars, alcohol, and meat.

Once you understand that the middle class are rich, you can look at their actions compare to the super rich. At least the super rich push for UBI and stuff... the middle class wants low taxes because "fuck you I got mine".

I hope BLM goes into more white middle class suburbs.

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Get a job faggot

Stop stealing the jobs and giving them to billionaires scumrat

And poors are the reason debtors prisons need to come back. A political party that campaigns simultaneously for gulags and gladiatorial games would sweep the elections

No, we need to push for policies that hurt the middle class, these freaks aren't human.

Xiden is calling, it's your turn to give him his morning rimjob and don't skimp on the ball licking this time

good luck memeflaggot. I know my argument will win, yours is trash and has and will always lose.

nice beret zionist cuck

That isn't rich. That's middle class, you dumb fucking fuck.

There was a time when EVERYBODY could've become middle class, but the globalists stepped in and stopped it. You're too stupid to understand this.

you mean giving them to immigrants and sending them overseas to china

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Middle class = rich

You dumb fuck

>There was a time when EVERYBODY could've become middle class, but the globalists stepped in and stopped it. You're too stupid to understand this.

You're so fucking dumb it's unbelievable.

Of course the rich advocate for UBI.
Printed money doesn’t matter to them when they can just raise the cost of goods and services with inflation.
You’re just a miserable cretin who wants everyone else as equally poor and miserable as (You)

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Yes I do, maybe if these middle class people had more empathy and gave me a chance I'd respect them/

The super-rich have a lot in common with the underclass
They are both parasites who want to exhaust public resources
To necessities a centralized economy
Which can only be justified in an emergency

>t. burger flipping pothead
How about kill yourself?

The super rich and the underclass both add to civilization

The middle class are parasites who consume everything yet produce nothing.

Too bad, you’re a poor fag.
No one sneeds your respect.

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>billionaires are middle class

I enjoy seeing the suffering in middle class communities, even if they have these luxuries and comforts.

Nothing can fully prevent cancer, nothing can fully prevent health issues, depression, sadness.

And seeing that is enough to keep me going.

Misery loves company
You always associate the most parasitic and corrupt characteristics with being human when humans by nature don't do that
You are more like a cat

Then I will laugh at their cancer diagnosis LOL

>he’s an unironic commie seething at middle class chads
Stay mad, faggot. I hope Blumpf wins again just so the niggers chimp out and burn your shitty apartment down.

a lot of middle class people are one fuck up away from being poor, at least that's how it was for my family growing up. You've been memed by kikes into thinking we are vastly different.

Yes civilization requires a constant stream of unemployed to reduce pay levels through competition
If everyone had a job the rate of pay would be well in access in total of the cost of paying welfare

Get a job you useless piece of shit. It's not too difficult to land a good paying job with benefits. All it takes is a little planning after you're done with high school. Do I go to college for business or basket weaving (wrong choice)?? Do I go to trade school to become a plumber??

Literally just sit there and think about it. I know that is tough for a lot of people because they are NPC's with no internal monologue or ability to mentally visualize things.

How do you expect them To sympathize with you when you are the ones who will cause the downfall?

>shitty apartment

Again, how would I have an apartment when im not rich?

People with apartments are the rich people I hate.

>Get a job you useless piece of shit. It's not too difficult to land a good paying job with benefits

You have to come from a very rich family to get a job, even a minimum wage job.

I studied at Wharton, was one of the top students.... not even Burger King will hire me because my dad didn't have the right last name

Extremely based and WLP-pilled. Definitely worth a listen to for anyone

What incentive do I have to go drive a truck for 50-60 hours every week and risk my life and potential incur jail time in the event of an accident if I don’t have substantially more spending power than someone who simply goes to work at their town grocery store and stocks shelves for 6-8 hours every day?
Why wouldn’t I just stock shelves instead?
What happens if we’re all stocking shelves or working the drive through at Arby’s because it’s the path of least resistance to the same outcome?
Do you think people do skilled labor or dangerous jobs out of the kindness of their heart?

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I wouldve thought the super-rich would have given you something to help you bring down capitalism

Because if you abuse someone long enough, they should want to cause your downfall.

>rentoids in a shitbox studio apartment

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>What incentive do I have to go drive a truck for 50-60 hours every week and risk my life and potential incur jail time in the event of an accident if I don’t have substantially more spending power than someone who simply goes to work at their town grocery store and stocks shelves for 6-8 hours every day?

Because you'll never get a job stacking shelves because your dad doesn't know the owner of the store. It's either that or starving.

>Do you think people do skilled labor or dangerous jobs out of the kindness of their heart?

No, but they don't need to be paid much money.

There's thousands of Harvard grads willing to work for free for "unpaid experience".

Criticizing the (((billionaire))) ringleaders of the party is problematic, comrade.

If you can afford a roof over your head and food on the table, especially if you can afford meat everyday, you're rich