Why does Pol hate niggerS

Majority of them are Christians?
You should love your neighbor.
All are equal under lord Jesus right?
I don't see the problem here

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you know what to do. sorry I don't make the rules


I dont hate them, they cant help themselves. Jews know what theyre doing though.

I dont care about niggers
Because they are dumb animals

Love your nigger neighbors

Grow up around Detroit while being white you will learn a thing or two. It's fucked because I don't inherently hate all blacks, you just learn how they operate as a race when you are exposed to them for a while

We don't hate niggers, we just recognize the fact they are a slightly evolved homo erectus that doesn't belong in human civilization.

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trolling with a made up WWE wrestling tier persona hasn't been funny since 2008
it's cringe
>yeah user what do you do in your free time?
>o-oh i pretend to be a black guy online and talk about how hot black guys are and how big their cocks are!

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We know its you Brazilian user. Take the memeflag off.

Bless you brother, but please, with the racial epithets, I’m browsing with my children.

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poltards do love niggers they just hide it because they are christcucked

Even niggers hate niggers, why do you expect us to like them?

Agreed. But Pol is full of LARP christians that think Jesus was a racist skinhead white supremacist.

post hand with timestamp or kill yourself tranny

I'm from Brazil
And my race is le creatura .

So what? I have the right to say that I'm black user

I wonder if they're American

because you guys commit an amazing amount of crime in our countries , are aggressive and play the victime when you get called out

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>Majority of them are Christians?
No, muslims and other pagans
>You should love your neighbor.
You're not my neighbor


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>Black chad user
Some women are just into bestiality.
No, all aren't equal under lord Jesus. All will be judged according to the same criteria under lord Jesus. Being a king or a slave won't exempt you from being judged for your sins.

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You are retard.
George Floyd was Christian

Protestants aren't Christians. They're literally protesting against the christian church.