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Vaxxies seething

Next up: WW3

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what a heckin fake conflict... there will be a "the vaxxies strike back" episode later this year when some new made up variant knocks on the door and they get ANOTHER FUCKING CURVE TO FLAT

another episode of OP being too retarded to bookmark a pastebin link

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>Der Sieg der Ungeimpften
one such victory more, and we're undone!

The only link that matters is the demo link.

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release me from this absurd hell this instant

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wait, I thought you were winning, son

Post archive version you son of tranny and your got pregnant after an IVF with a a racoon's jizz socks.

i'm always winning

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What i hate most about the journos, politicians and normies, is that now, that they can't deny the things us Schwurbler were saying for MONTHS, they act as if they were objective and truthful and are now uncovering the very conspiracies, they were involved in in the first place. Same with the Lockerungen. For months the press were hellbend on cursing everyone questioning the moronic covid policies. Now, all of a sudden, article after article pretending to be on the forefront of demanding change. And the sheeple with their mosquito-like memory fall for it.

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Congrats on the victory brudis!

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Wenn das Judenblatt schon sowas druckt

first time?

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I´m not getting a fucking test, so things will mostly stay the way they were for me...

NPC faggots now get their opinion update. Watch them all doing a 180° and call us schwurbler and conpiracy theorists in the next fabricated crisis.

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you know what is nice, anglo "translation" -
>schwurbler is a person who engages in schwurbeln.

>blabber on about "alternative facts" and theories coming from the Youtube university


well, very educated-vaccinated-hyphenated of them, wouldn't you say?

>The Immunization-conflic is dead

Been a minute since I brushed up on my German is that the general translation?

It's more like:
Coronavirus pandemic
The Vaccine mandate is dead

Yeah truly a superior breed.

"The compulsory vaccine is dead"

Happy for you Deutchbros in what little victories there are.

Thanks Burgerbro. I hope you guys also will be fine. Looked to me like you were better off then us anyway.