Can a leaf explain to me how the fuck Canada came to the conclusion to elect Justin Trudeau as Canadas PM?

Can a leaf explain to me how the fuck Canada came to the conclusion to elect Justin Trudeau as Canadas PM?

I haven't really been following Canadian politics for the past 8 years but how dumb of a people do you have to be to elect a middle-school drama teacher with no prior education or experience in socioeconomic politics, micro and macro economics and political studies.

All i can read about him on the wiki is that he got an education as a drama teacher and the rest of his educations he failed or dropped out. The only possible connection he has to anyone hing with politics is his dad and his involvement in the George Soros funded liberal party.

Attached: download (2).jpg (200x252, 4.96K)

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Because he's good looking and women vote

> >50% of Canadians aren’t hateful bigots

a little under half of the population doesn't vote
he still got a minority gov twice
do the math, it's all women, potheads and towelheads

Ontario... mainly the rich torontonians who ironically benefit the most from liberal policies.

I don't think he's gonna win the next election tho, considering the one thing people benefitted from was housing and real estate and its gone bananas now.

>Can a leaf explain to me how the fuck Canada came to the conclusion to elect Justin Trudeau as Canadas PM?
>his dad and his involvement in the George Soros funded liberal party.
You just answered your own question. Nepotism and rigged elections is how that mincing poodle got into power

psychos like trudeau are well-tuned to fool the masses

Its literally just middle-aged women voting for him because he looks nice and urban young people voting for him because he's woke.

Democracy is a farce.

more women than men
dude weed bro
import 3rd world free gibs voters

lookism, literally

Looking forward to our own rigged election shortly, i doubt we'll do better.

We import officially 400,000+ trudeau voters a year, and if you add in school and employment programs its closer to 750,000 trudeau voters a year.

Why do anything for your country when you can just import votes, anyone who makes it here is instantly a Canadian with the same voting rights as people who have spent their entire lives here

>Can a leaf explain to me how the fuck Canada came to the conclusion to elect Justin Trudeau as Canadas PM?
It's all a rigged political theatre, eh:

Attached: larry_summers_obama_trudeau_2015.jpg (1920x1161, 1.3M)

Seat system is rigged so Ottawa and Montreal have like 150 seats which is basically just poos, and libtards at this point and then last two elections you had goof balls not even trying to run a decent conservative message

He has nice hair.

demoralization thread
Nobody voted these people into their positions.
That's why they need to be killed.

> He thinks elections matter

Attached: 1615316782060.jpg (229x220, 10.07K)

Our federal elections are set up so progressive voters in Southern Ontario and Quebec choose the government. A majority government could be formed with only no seats won outside Ontario and Quebec.

cuz his voters all look like this
and there are alot of them

Attached: 2p1sx2.jpg (488x456, 28.17K)

What makes you think they elected him?

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

This, coupled with the failure of the "right" to offer anything that isn't pathetic cucked surrender.

Yes, they're that shallow.

Nice hair + women voters
It's that simple.

People voting for him because they’re scared conservatives are gonna enact mormon shariah law and throw gays/abortion patients off buildings

NDP Voters who try to “vote strategically” and will throw their own party under the bus because they’d rather have liberals than cons

Immigrants who owe the liberal party their lives for bringing them here

Home owners with $1m houses who realize the charade needs to keep going

Public servants who realize that if cons get elected theyd lose their jobs