Final words at the Nuremberg executions

Who had the best line?

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nigger memeflag kys

Julius because he was right.

The 'No' guy always made me feel a certain way. Props to him

Nuremberg 2.0 final words will be "WAIT THE SCIENCE CHANGED" and "NOOOOOO IT WAS TRUMP'S LOCKDOWNS - ACK!!"

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love u ma


You bitch

I laughed audibly, you catch me off-guard. good job op

Rosenberg wins.

Streicher was right.

>>Any last words?
They write it down.

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Nuremburg was a Purim fest


>nobody called anyone a nigger or kike
I'm disappointed bros

>Last words? Yes, just five.

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they were nice guys. nothing like the jews say they are

They were more civilized back then unlike you american freaks with your uncultivated lingo.


Sauckel is my favourite. Short and precise.
Keitel is very good too.

banned lol

Alfred the fuckin' CHAD

wtf the history books told me that nazis were all evil psychopaths and loved satan
it seems like they were all kind humble men who loved God and loved their country and didn't like what j*ws were doing to it