Youtube Censorship

Trying to watch some Live Ottawa footage as usual in the morning, when hit with a big fat Video Unavailable.

This shit is blatant. How can anyone expect to be a young creator and then only see their shit completely censored

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 8.44.10 AM.png (2272x1582, 174.74K)

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Glowniggers tongue my anus

make your own platform and ban whoever you wish on it

holy shit i didn't know that, that is dead obvious supression.

it means only Jews can livestream.
lowly goyim without jew stamped approval can only livestream to a trivial number of people, they don't exist at all.

this is what you get for using jewtube as a platform though, there's plenty of other alternative platforms.

Its actually more than one channel, and weird shit now ...

all the commenters on other channels are also having same thing

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 8.48.43 AM.png (2170x1430, 353.72K)

I´ve never seen that happen. EVER.
JewTube is at it again. I hope all these people get what they fucking deserve, one day.

>it looks like you're trying to commit a thoughtcrime!

Wait, I thought they supposedly hid the dislike button to "help smaller creators". What the fuck happened to that?

Th fucked part was even after I tried to subscribe, i couldnt bypass this - so even if I wanted to dedicate myself as a subscriber, they are taking away my ability to watch or enjoy the content..

Thats in fucking sane....

Youtube needs to be replaced

>make your own platform and ban whoever you wish on it
This. You just need to lay your own servers and your own fiber optic system and make sure you have your own power grid and your own physical territory.

>How can anyone expect to be a young creator
Don't expect for a second, that this is some blanket restriction. Their algorithms can easily detect what type of content is being streamed and they only censor what they don't like.

streamers need to mirror their streams on odysse. youtube guarantees more exposure and then odysse as a back up/growing platform for when channels inevitably get shoad

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Uh oh...i guess this creator is fucked then

Also your own payment processor. And maybe your own currency too.

subscribe to the channel and watch you turbofag

>Wait, I thought they supposedly hid the dislike button to "help smaller creators". What the fuck happened to that?

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I HAVE you can see the button in the screnshot you fag

Show nose

Thats so fucked... Let me know if you guys have luck

The fact that thy want to gate keep and control channels growth and audiences is gross

the fucked up part is it shows the guy has 5K subscribers, yet its still not allowing it

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 9.06.28 AM.png (2512x1518, 238.17K)

Yeah. Video hosting isn't that hard, I always just scp stuff to /var/www/html on my VPS when I want to show it to my friends.