Stop drinking. It will help you and society

Anyone having a drink right now?
I've been trying to quit, down to half pint a day from like 2 pints a day. Had a weak moment so I'm drinking it in the morning.
I can only imagine how fast I'll die as a drunk when the house of cards we are building finally blows it's load in our face again, so I'm giving a good try so at least I won't be a burden.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Not /SIG/ but related.
Shits going downhill fast.
If you aren't an alcoholic, what are you doing to better yourself in case SHTF?

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Here's my cat if it makes anyone feel better.

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You're drinking half a pint of Whisky a day? Good Lord, I thought I had a problem with 1-2 beers in the evenings after the kiddies go to bed.

You should get that down user.

Yeah it was way worse.
I pretty much lived to just have fun for years and years.
Shit catches up to you.

In regular terms though, a half pint of 40% booze is about 4 5% twelve ounce beers.
So that's not far off what you're talking about
Keep in mind I used to drink 2 pints a day...

That's why I never drank a drop of alcohol in my life. I know that if I do it will eventually evolve into a problem. Both my grandparents were Lithuanian immigrants, both of them drank too much, one of them just vodka and the other drank anything basically. Both of them had what I could call good families and careers, but there is no denying that their lives would be better if they hadn't that drinking problem. They also died very early due to that.
I can imagine parts of my life that I would have become an alcoholic if alcohol was already part of my life. I had a problem with porn addiction instead, but I'm better now.

When I was 16-17 I drank 2-3 bottles of vodka a week. I got a wake up call and decided to quit. I don't know why but it was incredibly easy to stop. Never liked alcohol, I just drank it because I was depressed and I felt good when drunk and it helped with sleeping. I haven't had a sip of alcohol in about 7-8 years now

That's awesome man. Stay with it.
Do you live in a good or bad part of Brazil?
Imagine that would at least have some influence on whether you develop a drug habit or not

I've actually gone to detox centers voluntarily a few times. It is incredibly hard to quit once you're addicted

I was drinking a bottle almost every day. From the moment I woke up until I passed out in the evening.
I’m a year sober now.
You can do it fren

Thanks fren. This is the time.
Thinking about trying antibuse, the pill that makes you sick if you drink.
Or alternatively there's a shot you take once a month that does the same thing and also blocks the receptors that allow you to get drunk.
Scared to do that shit though. Just weening off. It's my new years resolution but I fucked up last month.

How did you taper? Every time I try it ends up being too fast and I get withdrawal

Liter of vodka a day here. Weird because I’m never hungover and I still goto the gym and work. I guess one day my liver or heart will explode but I really don’t give a fuck. I can also go days at a time without drinking with no withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I’m just a freak of nature.

>what are you doing to better yourself in case SHTF?
Doing my best to protect my family & friends.
Cheers m8

>society filled with niggers, boomers, coal burners, and wigger cucks
>sees post on pol telling me to stop drinking
>takes advice. Stops drinking.
>goes outside. Still sees niggers, boomers, coal burners, and wigger cucks
tried it. Didn't work. Imma go grab me a cold one now.

Quit my job today because my boss was a woman boss she cunt. Left my keys on her desk, said good luck with the renovations, and called the fire Marshall for the 75 violations I saw in my 2 weeks there lol. Cuss at a skilled tradesman, office cunt lmao? Enjoy your surprise visit tomorrow. I'm having a drink :) some 10 year old whistle pig, gonna play WoW and shoot guns in my driveway today.

you are doing well user. I'm a recovering heroin addict. I've been on Suboxone the past 2 years and slowly tapering down to .25mg a day so I can quit with minimal withdrawal.

Yeah I used to do the same thing with scotch. Had a rough patch years ago, dog and favorite family member died in the same week. Lived in the bottle for a few years after that. Don't drink anymore, but I know how hard of a habit it is to break. Cute cat user, best of luck.

Well, I started making myself do shit instead of drink.
2 pints turned into say 1 to one and a half when I'd forced myself to stay in bed instead of get up and drink.
Then I started making plans for the morning like going to the store, library etc.. (I don't work so it makes it necessary). So went down to about a pint a day
Then I would backslide and drink more again, be mad at myself, and start over.
I've been to detoxes like I said and did Intensive Outpatient, basically 3 hour classes three days a week for 12 weeks.
Keeping busy seems to be the key.
Right now its finding shit to do and people to be around to not just slam all day.
Still drinking a half pint a day. But at least it's not 1750ml every 3 days, sometimes 2 and a half

>Keeping busy seems to be the key
Yeah if I have no plans it's basically like "well, why not just get shitfaced and play Xbox until I black out"

Yeah I had a pill problem years ago and I was an alcoholic back then too. Almost died a couple times. Stay off it fren

Also called all the contracts that I set up for vendors and canceled them lmao. And called the water authority about them dumping all of their kitchen grease down the drain instead disposing properly lololololololololol. Was a day behind on some work and she had the audacity to use curse words at me. Noty fault you came in still fucked up from last light lolololol feels good being a skilled white man, jobs easy come easy go.

If you do try that pill just remember it makes you VIOLENTLY ILL! Like you could die if you mix them.


I guess I’m lucky I don’t have urges to drink, I actually have to force it down. Just a retard who developed a tolerance

>Imagine that would at least have some influence on whether you develop a drug habit or not
Well, I believe that the only influence that living in a bad part would make is trying to escape reality.
I live in one of the best neighborhoods in São Paulo city, some may say it's the best. But I don't think that, when normalizing for cases of depression, how good or bad the place you live have a good influence on alcoholism, but I could be wrong.
Here in Brazil, the best universities are public, and there is a admission test to get in. When I was 17 I knew I could get into USP (the best and close to home) but I was lazy and didn't study for the test. In my family, we had an agreement that if someone can't get approved first try, they have one year to try again. But when I failed my dad didn't believe that I was going to study, so at the last moment he forced me into whatever university I was still able to get in (UNESP), it was shock, since he had already paid the cursinho (preparatory schools for the vestibular). So I was forced to live alone, in a not so great city (Bauru) and study in a university that I knew that I could do better. I spent one year in this misery, didn't make any friends and spent half of my time pissed off in school and the other half pissed off at home alone. I'm sure that if I didn't have my thing of not drinking, alcohol would become a problem.

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Fucking quitter bitch

Damn, at least you made it through in one piece brother

I drink 3 beers every night after dinner, I don't like to get super drunk and feel like shit but I do enjoy the buzz, it's been 2 years now and I started after a bad motorcycle accident that didn't let me walk for a full month, the pain was extreme and beer helped, but then I never stopped I drink alone and socially, I hate wine and liquor I only drink beer and never on an empty stomach

am I becoming a alcoholic or is it fine? I obviously don't get withdrawal but I do have a little craving, I usually drink 5 nights every week

I drink 3/4 times a year mainly wedding or birthdays hate being drunk, and i am gymcel but its good to have a small social life as well.

I'm having a bloody mary while coding for work as we speak, some people just can't handle it I guess. I can't feature how people don't numb themselves in this fucked up clown world. honk honk *cheers*

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