Amazon LOTR will have brown wood elves

Also they date white human girls which are single mothers, because they need no (white human) male

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And then the Shire voted to create a police force for the first time in history.

First witcher, now this. Wonder what's next.

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It's just another show that will be over hyped at the beginning by social media and people pretending to have read the books/watch the show. Then after a few episodes everyone will forget that it existed. See Wheel of Crime.

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Kek. Niggers without crime is truly a fantasy, but still defeat the purpose of escapism.

Good if true

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the only solace is by archiving the entire library of sword and sorcery B movies that were riffed on by mystery science theater 3000. some great all white casts. if they DO start coming for B movies and remake those, well....
>the blade master
>The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent
>The magic sword
for starters

>taking Tolkien's work and turning it into a generic HBO style multiculti softcore porn drama
its tiresome

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This show is made for Zoomers, the books and original trilogies are for adults.

these are all pretty rough movies. not great relatively speaking, but who cares? break the jewllywood conditioning and learn to enjoy stories no matter how bad they may seem.

you know what is next

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>the day the earth froze (finnish movie)
>outlaw of gor
>colossus and the headhunters
>sword and the dragon
>Frosty (russian)
>quest of the delta knights

Looks like Morgoth already got to that one, terrible.

this doesnt even touch on the sci-fi movies they riffed
>space mutiny
>time chasers
>overdrawn at the memory bank
the list goes one. if you care about race and saying fuck you to globohomo, then reject modernity and embrace B movies. if you care about muh special fx and High def, well maybe retro b movies arent for you

I mean that nigger looks like it should be crawling around the mines of Moria banging on a drum and worshipping the Bal-Rog

looks like a fucking goblin

He's hot and I want to have sex with him. If he was a slave I'd buy him as my personal fuckhole.

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dark elves exist for a reason

will they let orcs into the shire or is it still an ethno region


Even GOT respected the logic of in-world demographics, if I remember correctly. People of different ethnicities concentrated on different regions and cultures, just like on real-life. The only place where modern demographics would make sense would be on the cities of decrepit empires, such as Númenor. Anywhere else, that's gonna be a complete immersion breaker.

We wuz elves in shiet

Dark elves are nothing but ripoff of Melnebonean race from elric saga

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(sorry can't find the poster, it's very well done)

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Niggerelves and niggerhobbits robbin' any who passes by.
Filthy dark like their souls, their deeds stink quite high.

It had a huge section of the story involve shitskins and it also aired originally in 2011. 2011 may as well be a different universe compared to where we are now.

i have started watching B westerns on hulu. yes hulu the streaming service whose homepage is plastered with ads for "black stories". i just casually scroll past that to the westerns category and sit back and watch glorious comfy all white casts starring in such movies as
>black spurs
>the southener
>the hangman
>gunfight at ok corral

As someone who read the the series and even the silmarillion as a 5 or 6 year old, this is still disappointing. I’ve been a lifelong fan and while that doesn’t mean I’m owed anything it still is deeply disappointing.

>a negro forest fairy kingdom
Please make them all homos

How dare you invite Moorcock into this thread

No one will watch and the movies will have a resurgence. The media will also pretend it's a big hit with bots and articles.

Don't worry this is fine, dwarf women are meant to look ugly and manish

>It had a huge section of the story involve shitskins
But didn't they live on another continent, with entirely different cultures? Haven't watched many seasons, to be fair. But I would have no problem with that, on principle. Make a section of the show be about the Haradrim, whatever. Just portray them faithfully to the spirit of the source material, and make sure you have an interesting story to tell.

Its over.

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Who gives a shit? I wouldn’t watch that faggotry if it was an all white cast. Grow up you fuckin loser! Go make some money and raise a family instead of watching propaganda on tv and bitching about it to strangers on Any Forums. Fucking cringe bro.

here's the one i was thinking of

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