Did they redefine 'winter' or is it cancelled? I'm confused

Did they redefine 'winter' or is it cancelled? I'm confused.

Attached: Winter of Death.jpg (661x729, 129.3K)

maybe they redefined death

They're referencing operation dark winter, which is the cia releasing biowarfare on population.
Basically cia released corona, and the vax is another part of that op in immune system suppressant. I think Biden is a puppet delivering a message for plutocrats who own him. They're basically saying "quit interfering with our plans or we will continue releasing new "variants".
This is why Biden literally said in speeches "dark winter" would happen.

Bidens playing the '2 more weeks' schtick

>politicians lie
oy vey stop being antisemitic


Winter is nearly over kek

I wish I had Covid. Covid wasn’t bad, I’ve got a bacterial upper respiratory infection and I feel awful. The PCR test came back negative, so I still gotta go to work and school. Thinking about editing the pdf they sent me to say positive so I can stay home.

The Canada situation fucked their plans.

He's so fucking braindead, it's just tiresome at this point.

Booster vaccinations for covid are not popular, and yet somehow the percent of the population vaccinated is increasing.

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Trust the plan
Batriots in control.

are we not getting close to spring?

maybe they redefined USA for Israel

Attached: israel.png (724x487, 63.72K)

no they're just threatening people like me who don't comply with their bullshit (((mandates)))
RIP in peace Tiffany Dover

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Reminder that since taking office (illegally) in 2021, Biden has been personally responsible for 700,000 COVID deaths.

yea, but there's supposed to be lots of death first. The whole 'winter of death' thing..

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I died laughing at Biden's impotent threats and I might get a Biden pipe as a souvenir.

Did you forget the 3 year Q clock?

The groundhog saw xer shadow, winter of death ends early. Deal with it chuds

yeah i've been waiting for it and i'm still here... i can't believe joey would lie to me like that

seems as if the bioweapon thing is more nuanced
not so much a physical weapon, though that might change in several years
mental bioweapons in which society destroys itself is the past and now
government and elite plan is to come in and pick up pieces to redistribute on equity principles

now people are seeing the tunnel had no light at the end under the gov model
people are making their own exit
government ends the ride
to re pivot to new tunnels of deception
>doubling down on domestic terrorism
>money problems (fed coin)
>election interference (future)

a month or two is when winter ends
six months and a change of the guard
what happens in that time is anyones guess

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