Brutal Navy SEAL screening kills a chad in his physical prime

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Was he jabbed?

have another deep fried pizza and shawarma Nigel Mohammed


They go 20 hours a day for 5 days in which most time is spent treading water in the freezing ocean. I’m surprised more don’t die.


good now oldfags can stfu about "my class was the last hard one, all you kids have it easy"

Mandatory vaccination
cause of death not released
its the jab. They cant even release the cause of death because we know the signs. They dont have to list the cause of death as vaccination complications. As soon as we heart sudden heart arrest or stroke its the jab.

>read article
>all men seals except a woman who recently completed training
>search on google
>it's a man

>As many as 17 SEALs who made it through the course died in training accidents over the last two decades, according to news reports, underscoring the dangerous nature of the work, even leaving aside risky combat deployments.
If you look up what Hell Week is, you should not be surprised this kind of thing happens.

>I really want to be a navy seal
>I really want to keep my job and afford my soi milk
>I really want to travel.
>I'll just take the kill shot.
Fucking vaxxies.

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The army cant hire new soldiers now since they are all vaxxed-maxxed.
that means it’s working.


Every military class does this, it drives me nuts. My own comrades are starting to do this.

His only regret was that he only had one life to give for Israel

Suffer and die zogbots

Prime... for seals its weakness... dis he have a heart attack from the shot?

i assume this is some kind of 'joke' i don't get. but in case it's not - the reason these freaks are dying is cause, well, they are freaks. as in they are not anywhere near normal or healthy.

just because you are ripped/cut/jacked/whatever doesn't mean you are healthy. it just means they have shot enough juice to become big and strong at the cost of their health. sure, a few of these freaks can be healthy, but that isn't the norm. they all abuse themselves which is why they are freaks. humans were not meant to be that big or strong. its a defect at best, and at worth its an unhealthy lifestyle which will cost you your life at some point, and covid can fuck you pretty bad since it's a blood clotting disease.

what the fuck did the jews put in there? my parents took this shit

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Graphene hydroxide (98%).

no they didnt want him, probably a subclinical but still noticeable psych problem, but knew he wasn't going to quit.
so they (((helped))) him quit.