I'm knew, Sam is kewl

I know I'm late, but holy shit Hyde is based. He has literally produced some of the best media on the internet right now. Thanks to Idubbz for doing the doco, cause I never looked into the "he can't keep getting away with it" meme, and never would have come across MDE. Is he a Jew? cunts got a beak on him like nothing else. fucking massive unit too. Anyway, Sam, if you're out there reading this good luck mate, I might buy a shirt, make one with some atomic bombs going off or something.


Attached: manonthestreet.png (385x370, 141.83K)

>beats white girls
>unironically does roids
>fucks trannies
>grew up spoiled in a rich family and never worked a day in his life
the only redeeming factor about sam is that hes funny as fuck, but other than that hes a fat retarded subhuman

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get away with but h-h-how

>15yo girl
ahh ok

he cant keep getting away with it!!!!!!!!111111111111 lmao

how would you feel if you had a 15 year old sister who got fucked and beat the shit out of by an obese 35 year old jew?

>this same screencap posted any time the infamous white preacher sam is mentioned
Theres nothing on this other than tumblr blog posts, not even on any of the gossip sites.



This is a bot, no idea how it managed to post almost a minute before the OP but it sure did.

Attached: vv.jpg (680x340, 28.42K)

Got anything new chaim?

Attached: Screenshot_20210709-125646_YouTube.jpg (2340x1080, 392.87K)

Tisk, my memes are only as good as the title... but ya still a jewish fag

He's a sellout.

Please use correct terminolgy or you look like a female trying to GSRRM
As a sibling, it's not my responsibility to ensure the proper raising of females. Also, seems like something that the police would be interested in, not sure if I believe all that crap.

ewwwwwie he sounds like a big bad, bad, bad, bad, bad man

Attached: 1616261827102.webm (540x960, 581.33K)

How did he sell out? When he went to adult swim? wtf is this comment

One of Sam's goons from that room Idubbz filmed/
Are making pro Sam Hyde threads again.
Shitty marketing campaign faggots.
The only ones worse belong to that little faggot Destiny.
And the Banana fucking atheist.
All these subversives (((types))) trying to win the Any Forums Any Forums demographic.
Sad and cringe as fuck.
Show how big Any Forums really is.
If they are constantly shilling their "Heroes" here to us.
They are desperate for us to follow their false figure heads.
Obvious scam is so fucking Obvious.

Bro what happened here, did you forget to change phones or something?

>would you let me
beta cuck


Idubbz asking him to be real was so cringe

NIGGER how fucking disrespectful to make false accusations. I would gladly dox myself if I knew you fucks would stand behind me vs the world, but you are just as fucking cowardly as the normies, except you know how to http. Literally just watched the doco, started getting mde recommends and realised the cunt is fucking off tap. FUCK off with your whinging.

i like sam

Idubbz is distilled cringe, it's all he can do, someone make a "cringe circle" to explain how cringe comes full circle from being cringe, then haha cringe, then informative cringe, back to cringe cringe.

Sam is hilarious. He got invited onto a slightly right leaning podcast recently and opened it up screaming GOD EMPEROR TRUMP live on the air. Made me burst out laughing

Link? I can't often suffer listening to podcasts, but I may stomach one if Sam is just talking shit the whole time

>NIGGER how fucking disrespectful to make false accusations.
That was the reaction I was looking for.
Lets me know I'm right over the target.
Might as well called me an anti-Semite.
Like I said obvious shilling is obvious.
Sam is not hilarious.
He is a gate keeper who pissed off the wrong person.
And is desperate to get back in good standing.
Riding the fence, shapeshifting as one of us.
A lot of see through the guise.

You are jumping at shadows, and probably just baiting me to dox myself at this point. How is he a gatekeeper? he named the Jew on adult swim 10 years ago...

It happens in every single thread sam is mentioned in too

>You are jumping at shadows
>nd probably just baiting me to dox myself at this point.
We know that you work for Sam.
Or are Sam.
>How is he a gatekeeper?
He will tell impressionable little White boys what to think.
>he named the Jew on adult swim 10 years ago...
He made a pro Jewish supremest video saying Jews rock?
And he is Jewish.
More like he should have just made a Jewish version of "A Birth of a Nation."
You suck at your job.
You should be fired.