Answer this Any Forums

Answer this Any Forums

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Whites are already treated like shit as a majority in their own countries kike.

Niggers commit most violent crimes, especially against other niggers. Now put them in charge and what do you get? Take youre facebook tier meme back to pleddit

On a global scale, true "whites" are already a minority. But still all you niggers, chinks and other homos are dependent on us and jealous. If whites are gone/browned, it is the end of civilisation.

Whites are treated like second class citizens now and this is when we still have a nominal majority.
We'll be the world's first 4th world nation in no time.

No but clearly intend to
Name me 1 mistreated minority it the United-States right now
Pro tip: you can't

OP needs to play "No more niggers 2"

No, but they can be, and there's no reason to believe they won't be in the future if such a significant change should occur.

Countries run by non-whites are less nice for everyone. If we didn't have universal suffrage it might not be a problem.


By nonwhites, yes. White countries treat minorities very well compared to the rest of the world and compared to history. Whites are hated and blamed now. That will become persecution and death when we become minorities in the places seen as "stolen" which includes euro indigenous homelands. So yes, on average they are.

When your rhetoric is to punish whites the for perceived wrongs of their ancestors, of course whites fear losing a majority to you.

Yes all minorities in every single country ever get treated shittily compared to the majority. This is a fact of nature and always will be
Big tribe bullies small tribe. The only problem with this situation specifically, is that we made this country and as such, deserve the benefits of being the rulers of it. Can't explain any simpler.

White are a minority (7% of the world) you retard inbred.
Good God you kids are dense.

We built everything while they LARP.

Yes, that's why you can't allow be one.

Whites are the only economically productive demographic in the west. Them becoming a minority would spell disaster as niggers and arabs aren't capable of supporting the level of civilisation they're taking for granted.

Show flag faggot

Minorities are treated so poorly in the west that millions risk their lives and the lives of their own children to make it into one of these racist, evil countries every day. If you're white and the alleged "majority" then it is your duty to pay for these parasites and their offspring and to keep them well fed. You have to recognize that your ancestors weren't as stupid and useless as theirs. So they actually managed to accomplish something of value with their lives making them "priviliged" and you as well by default. If you're white living as a minority though it's OK to antagonize you everyday, deny you the right to work , openly discriminate against you, and even murder your family in the most gruesome ways imaginable as a sort of racial equity for Whitey's past grievances against the noble savages like teaching them to read and write and wear pants.

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All of you are Npcs. I hate NPCs

I can't wait until white people are slaves to brown folk. You will get what you deserve.

Which nonwhite countries and neighborhoods would you like to live in? And no dont pick an Asian one.

no, but they are second class
the less whites there are and the more niggers there are, the worse the world gets
why do you think detroit is a bad place to live


As long as I get affirmative action and minority specific advantages like we offer now. Oh, you intended to murder us when we're in the minority position? No thanks, I'm fine being at the top