Has the left calling everyone who disagrees with them Nazis or white supremacists actually ever worked?

Has the left calling everyone who disagrees with them Nazis or white supremacists actually ever worked?

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NPCs have their perceptions altered no matter what they say, just like advertisements work on most people whether they think they are affected or not. Only the people who know not to trust the mass opinion can find the truth

>actually ever worked
It actually works every time and not even this place is immune to it.

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It's succeeded in bringing white racial consciousness to the highest it's been in decades

it only works to exclude people from leftist groups, and it works on anyone who is more concerned for factual than political correctness

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nice mspaint drawing you did there, have a gold star

Attached: MUTANTS_LEFTISM_DYSGENICS_03240320.jpg (2662x2464, 1.88M)

>the retarded internet Bunkerchud thinks Any Forums is real life.
I teach retards the definitions of liberal, Facist, left, and right. Either they braindead lalala or learn and understand. You pathetic losers need REAL WORLD perspective. You """communist""" are just capitalist fascist social tools, You are not the working class but those truckers/farmer/miners are. I am the man who puts food on your table dumbasses. Thank a Trucker and suck a farmer cock your jobless propertyless tool.

That tweet hits the nail right on the head.

Trudeau and his minions are sociopaths who gaslight his people using "divisive rhetoric"

*citation needed*

The recent gaslighting by Trudeau shows how desperate he is for control

When he loses control, his sociopathy ramps up and tries to cling to gaslighting

Yeah, constantly

>Has the left calling everyone who disagrees with them Nazis or white supremacists actually ever worked?
Yes it has worked. It has caused two generations of Europeans to commit to destroying their own countries' demographic makeup.

Attached: npc you did.jpg (700x700, 47.15K)

Jan. 6th protestors are being tortured in prison by African prison guards right now, so yes.

Remember the one Nazi flag at the Trucker Rally and the whole world almost stopped

>I teach retards the definitions of liberal, Facist, left, and right.
>You """communist""" are just capitalist fascist social tools
it seems literally not a single american understands these words

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It eventually caused me to become desensitized to it and thus more willing to work with actual nazis and white supremacists.

A ruski commie bitch, imagine my shock

Politics is just the metagame of war.

>Has the left calling everyone who disagrees with them Nazis or white supremacists actually ever worked?
Oh yeah it's done absolute wonders for Nazi recruitment.

Holy shit that pic is major cope.

Is Biden president?

Attached: DNC2016.jpg (844x1054, 116.41K)

It's one of many tactics to dehumanize a part of the population. History shows us that it works very well.

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