I take heavy anti depressants every day. So why do I still feel suicidal and depressed?

I take heavy anti depressants every day. So why do I still feel suicidal and depressed?

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cuz ur a commie

Because you have bipolar, not unipolar depression.

Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. It is well known that the rate of clinical depression has been greatly increasing in recent decades. We believe that this is due to disruption of the power process, as explained in paragraphs 59-76. But even if we are wrong, the increasing rate of depression is certainly the result of SOME conditions that exist in today’s society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.

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Depression is a disconnect from God.

Clearly they're not working, you need to lay them off
What this user said

But the depression is constant

Go for a run and lift weights

"anti depressants" are a fucking scam and you're fucking yourself up.

What do you class as "heavy anti depressants"? Did you get prescribed your first SSRI, sweety?

Excercise and go out and meet people. Micro dose on shrooms and enjoy nature you fuck.

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Why do people take the covid vaccine but they still get covid?

define heavy anti-depressants. Which ones?

You need TRE (Trauma release exercises)

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Leaf knows it. And if you're too mentally tired to even try, what you need are just good old pure amphetamine to get you active.

That means the cause is constant too
If you find the cause you've struck gold

Im lonely

Because anti-depressants don't cure your depression, they just make you feel it a bit less.
It's like if you've got a toothache and you take aspirin, the ache is still there but you don't feel it as much.



No pill can fix the trauma of your childhood. You are trapped at the age you were traumatised. Mentally you are a child trapped in a man's body.

If the meds aren't helping try easing off them for a bit, worst case you go right back on, but I have hardcore anxiety and depression go out for a run and try some exercise it was a night and day difference.

Most of us here feel alone in a room full of people. We are not like them.

Eat regulary.
Taper off your anti depressants.
Be outside.
People forget that one huge factor for people feeling like shit and "depressed" is because society itself. Its corrupt, flawed and degenerated.

Usually i find myself being submerged in my thoughts, even in public
And there's no company there, only the voice of your own mind

This was one of the key things that stuck with me from Teddy K’s Wild Ride:

>technology and everything that goes with it will inevitably create a scifi dystopia
>(ie. social media, credit scores, shitty economic policy - basically the need for us to all become corporate drones)
>the longer this goes on the worse it will be
>people will be so far removed from a natural and healthy way of living that they’ll become chronically depressed and suicidal.
>society will try to counter this through various socially acceptable drugs to take off the edge
>but all this means is that society will then turn the pressure up, causing more stress and eventually requiring more drugs
>rinse and repeat. Having to legalize more and more drugs as time goes on just to manage the societal self destruction.
>inevitably it will get so bad it’ll all collapse and humanity will be a ruined, drugged out shell, with no living memory of what a natural life looks like much less feels like

>caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, psylociblin, ....

He was absolutely right.

And the driving force behind all of this - this natural force of parasitic destruction - is the Jews and their penultimate goal; the enslavement of the Human race.

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To add to my post :
Stop wasting a large amount of time on mindless entertainment and places like these.
Be productive, write lists and reminders.
Remove all degeneracy such as porn, masturbation, drugs and other bad addictions.
Be friendly and envision what you want and what you are, this will do a lot. Do this daily.

Because you're medicating the symptoms of a greater problem. You'll be depressed forever if you don't solve that problem.

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