Why do some people hate him?

I was a teenager to young adult during the Obama years and didn't really pay much attention to American politics let alone my own country's politics at the time.

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Nigger and globohomo


because he switches to ebonics whenever he talks to black people

BuT whEre IS thE BirtH cErtiFicate?!

obama was the best president we had in like 50 years. White racists hated him because they can't accept that a black man can be highly educated, articulate, and a good leader. I hate some white trash americans so goddamned much.

ObamaCare was a mistake

>Literally the Anti-Christ
>Why would...

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He isn't black. He's a fucking Sand nigger.

He's a nigger.


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Generally, American healthcare is a mistake. Well, I do want sharties to die because US has become such cesspool of genes that it begs for some natural selection.

Because a lot of people didn’t like obamacare and he started a race war in his second term. He started clown world by getting elected pretty much

I think he was a middling, typical neoconservative who just so happened to support gays when it became a political asset. He wasn’t a socialist or any other nonsense that is typically said of him in right wing media. And I think the hate for him was a backlash against the unlimited credibility he was given for being black, and boy-oh-boy was he often given way more credit than he deserved because of how “historical” he was. The problem is that he wasn’t able to be criticized on objective terms because of what he represented:America’s great black hope OR a covert communist Muslim Manchurian candidate. Both takes are completely retarded.

>half nigger
>his nigger half doesn't even come from West Africa like most Afro-Americans (he is from East Africa) yet he was hyped as the first Afro-American president
>Obamacare was a compromise that tried to please everyone yet it made everyone angry instead
>Obamacare was supposed to fail by design in order to pave the way for socialized healthcare but instead it just became a zombie that survived its own demise
>he got a Nobel Peace Prize as a matter of affirmative action even though he kept bombing countries not unlike any of his predecessors who didn't get any peace prize
>he agreed to the Iran's nuclear deal that Trump destroyed, so he is an antisemitic nigger and it's actually okay to hate him

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Health care in the USA is really bad, but because of the high prices for it. Otherwise, it surpasses all medicine in the world.

>Why do some people hate him?
His policy platform was horrific.

cuz nigger

>want top services
>must pay top prices
How could this happen?

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He completely squandered a veto proof super majority and his one major accomplishment (obongocare) is arguably the worst legislation in American history.

One reason for high costs is administrative waste.Hospitals, doctors, and nurses all charge more in the U.S. than in other countries, with hospital costs increasing much faster than professional salaries. In other countries, prices for drugs and healthcare are at least partially controlled by the government.