How many of you are newfags?

How many of you are newfags?

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Ive watched strongbad

not me. meme war veteran

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what is the current definition of 'newfag'?

been here before Any Forums

Voted for Trump

The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams.
Upon the instruments if death
The sunlight brightly gleams.
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams,
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
As silence drowns the screams.
Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.
Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
And laugh.
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.

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I've only been here a few years. Phonefag so I don't post much. I mostly look for happenings, wemb and humor threads. Good times. Fuck niggers
Fuck Jews
Fuck jannies
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Good morning sir.

Is there new strongbad emails since i last checked 15yrs ago?

I remember feeling blessed that this song was in GH2.

anyone who starting using this site after I did

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I always liked homesar the best.

Not homestar, homesar.

Nice jeeeeeooorb

i joined later than most, about 2017 ish. but i had loved a lot about 4chans culture and trolling through youtube stories and reddit. i always felt like it was somewhere i belonged and i hated being censored, so, eventuallt i gradually started using more and more and then my timebskyrocketed. now, for the last few years or so... honestly i cant remember... ive been using Any Forums at least 2 hours a day, 7 hours if you count checkjng for news on stuff, redpill studies, etc.

i should mention i took a lot of time researching and lurking to not be called a newfag or normalfag by anyone. so if you count that time as well, ive been using Any Forums for 7 years.

Good boy lurking 4 years is a good start

i am, started lurking in 2004

me, here since 2010

Yeah. They started putting new content on YouTube, too, unfortunately.


I got a 5 digit steam acct with sonichu as the av, pisses me off i cant remember the pw and have use this faggy 6 digi

You are like little baby
Get on my level, bitch

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I'm a 2007 newfag.

I've been on Any Forums since 2006. Mostly Any Forums and /x/ the first 8 years.

>mfw in four years I'll have been on this website for 20 fucking years.

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Charlie was a little cuck who got what he deserved. Candy mountain is for the pure.

I remember dickcream.

Anyone remember Aisha Aisha?

Is 6 months newfag if I have this on my phone

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I lurked more on /x/ to be honest. I barely remember Myziam or some shit like that. It was fun tho

yeah youre a newfag

Not my proudest faps

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I've been on Any Forums since 2009.

I'm also ethnically half-Jewish, I lost my virginity to a black girl, I'm sort of a socialist economically, I went to a prestigious grad school, I want to breed with a latina or an Indian girl, and I think Zen Buddhism is the truest religion.

Checked and kekd

I was 9 in 2004 and somebody on newgrounds said this place was like SA except no
>5 bux
Fuck that guy

i've been lurking since 92

Can we just put the canon answer as '2008' to piss everyone off equally?

I was the author of several emails to strongbad. the best ones, too

Everybody post-gamergate.

Post chanology


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