I dont want the same standard of living as boomers

>i dont want the same standard of living as boomers
>the pod doesnt sound so bad
>i bet bugs taste fine

Why is Any Forums like this

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The USA was a socialist country through most of the 20th century and you're only propagandized to believe it wasn't.
90% top marginal tax rates which right-wingers claim "nobody paid" which is bullshit.
Unions, centrally planned economy, regulations. HUD building all the homes.

Boomers robbed us. The right-wing robbed us and still gaslights and blames "communism" and other retarded idiocy to this day.

Oh the welfare state. My GOD the welfare state. You basically didn't ever have to work in the USA if you didn't want to back in the day.

Stop paying lip service to unions while you also want endless open borders scab labor and support globalist economic policies.

>The USA was a socialist country

Which industries did they nationalize/socialize?

Well certainly the home building industry

Every corporation on earth pushes globohomo 10x as hard yet pays 1/4 as much. You have to work, may as well get something for it.

This is unironically the reason America has endless soulless subdivisions. Im advocating for better working conditions I dont know what youre on about user.


What about Reagan-era Conservatism would you call "right wing"?

don't fall for the pod meme


The Golden Age of Unions was when America was a supermajority White country.
Labor rights decreased as immigration increased.
The multicultural horde is never going to bring that back.

LMAO huh? "endless soulless subdivisions" what are you talking about? New private real estate developers design their houses to be identical mass produced cookie cutter houses the same as HUD used to back in the day. Fucking idiot right-wing retard.

I at least applaud you for being pro-union, though. That puts you at least a little ahead of the typical idiots here.

OK immigrants didn't "reduce labor rights" or do anything to kill unions. WTF are you even talking about? The literal anti-union laws are what did that. The Reagan administration is what put the nail in the coffin of the union. Like you can't "blame immigrants" for that, idiot.

Understand there is something called "right-to-work" laws that Republicans support and right-wing judiciaries continue to expand from the bench. And in the early 1980s Reagan fired over 10K striking federal workers and after that nobody ever took unions seriously again. That, combined with the right-to-work laws, really reduced their ability to barter, so people stopped joining them.

This has nothing to do with "immigrants" and you people can't just make everything about "immigrants"

the union dustbowled my fucking area, fuck you.

Unions make society poorer. They do not magically produce wealth from nowhere. They artificially raise the price of labor by preventing work from being done. You can't make society richer by preventing people from working. If you agree that cartels are bad then you must also agree that labor cartels are bad.

Scab labor is scab labor.
Amazon intentionally molds it workforce in individual warehouses to be as racially confused and alienated as possible to prevent unionization.
The unionized America you glorify was when Whites dominated the country. Before working class ethnic Italian, Irish, Polish, and German neighborhoods were destroyed by black migration and criminality guided by the same people that dismantled labor laws.

Here's a tough pill to swallow: America has not been controlled by long-faced Anglo-Saxon protestants since the 1960s. Rethink your priors after blaming your despair on evil Whitey for over half a century and getting nowhere.

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>The Golden Age of Unions was when America was a supermajority White country.
And during that time big business paid for union leaders to get killed by hired thugs, amongst other things. There is a massive history of violence that led to workers rights even becoming a thing at all in the USA. None of it just magically was handed over out of the good will of the corporations you know?

All of this was long long before the 1965 immigration act.

Jimmy Hoffa was not an afro-latino mystery meat mongrel that was told to have a blood curdling hatred for Whitey from birth by mass media and public education.
Good luck recruiting one out of the pool of "better americans."

There's no arguing about this, there are literal laws and court decisions that crushed unions in the USA. It has nothing to do with "muh immigrants". I think for decades and decades the left has been the side actually against immigration, if you peel back the superficial layer of politics. Reagan and Bush both ran on an open platform of open borders and bringing literal illegal immigrants into this country and letting them stay here. So IDK what you're smoking. Another typical dumbass uneducated right-winger.

Also NAFTA = Reagan Bush policy opposed by Democrats for 12 years in congress. Passed when Republicans took a supermajority in the congress and had veto proof support, so Clinton signed it. and for decades after we listen you uneducated idiots say "NAFTA was the LEFT!"

"Si, se puede!"
Money buys a lot in this country politicians, judges, laws, regulations, etc. If you're counting on laws to keep scabs out of your shop, you've already lost. Labor is getting vastly more attention these last few years, because of the contraction of the labor supply. Managament HATES competing for workers which is why they bring in scabs by the millions to prop up the prime demographic despite conditions outside of their open border. We know why billionaires love open borders, why are they the most important thing to you?

Organized labor represents 6% of American workers because being in a union is synonymous with paying for fat jobs for Democrat flunkies, campaign work & donations for neoliberal Democrats, idpol bullshit, and very little benefit for the guys doing the work. Your bougie social mores are holding back the mobilization of labor for the benefit of workers.

Actually, just to be totally fair to you, NAFTA was passed before the Republican supermajority in congress. That said, go look at the bill, it a republican bill. And yes it was authored by Reagan and Bush as early as 1980 and opposed by dems all through those administrations

I'm not reading any of your stupid fucking bullshit. Like what is this retarded comment? What does any of this idiocy even mean? All these words without a single cogent, rational, concrete point