Why is she so dumb?

We need to disavow.

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>color for a lastname
A jew

Never avowed her. It's a tranny.

How is this news?

The soup nazis are spying on people again?!

Fuck off, rabbi.

that’s a man

She was exposed for inside trading as well on stocks.
None of these politicians are your friend

>a company is doing something that will make them tons of money over time
>I should invest in them

if you think this is what insider trading means you're actually fucking retarded

The first rule of media & politics is: jews always lie.

Could always tell it was a jew with it's eyes so close together
Pic related
It's the troll phenotype

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That's her job. She's supposed to make the "opposition right" look bad. She does it on purpose.


in case you haven't figured it out yet, she was placed in her role specifically to make people who question the mainstream narrative look bad. i wouldn't be surprised to find that she is literally a paid actor. also she looks like a man and probably has a thick masculine dillznick

Look again.

All cuckservatives are fucking retards.

She's a woman.

Most white southerners are descendents of lower class Anglo and Celtic trash. All the educated British immigrants settled in the northeast and midwest.

Joe biden can barely form a coherent sentence and when a republican misspeaks it's an international news story.

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1. Being conservative.
2. Being christian.

I would vote for her in bad faith
They deserve to deal with her shenanigans

Anyone have her nudes? Shooped is fine.

I'd hatefuck this bitch. I bet she's a good lay unironically.

yeah she went on Tim Pool of course she's dumb


And this is how a christcuck pastor looks. Cope, retard.

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MTG seems like a shill to me.

Joe Biden shits himself on camera every other day but you want me to believe a typo is news? LMFAO get the fuck out OP you nigger

The literal face and iq of the right wing.

and then everyone clapped

>she looks like a man
Waste of time saying stuff like that on here. Everytime I post stuff like that I get ignored. They think you are insane. The only one they are willing to admit is Michelle Obama but somehow it stops there.

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I support stupid politicians. Our leaders should be as dumb and incompetent as possible so the shithole in DC can crumble and burn faster

No, is just stupid like all drumpftards.

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It wasn’t a typo, she literally said Gazpacho on live tv, faggot.

Ignorant. Just like her followers. Absolutely embarrassing her countrymen.

Based Biden makes wingers eat shit every day.

Fixed it for ya.

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She's on timcast tonight. Pic related is the other guest. Absolutely fucking retards

god you can really spot a shill when they start posting shit pics from the "maverick biden" ad campaign. before you see their dumb memeflag anyway


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and you seem like a filthy KIKE to me

What an overwhelmingly embarrassing ordeal
I fucking love it

so? normal regular people fuck words up every day.
there isn't a person alive with 100% accuracy when speaking