Was malcom x based?

Was malcom x based?

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>Was malcom x based?
Unironically yes, he supported segregation


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Yea, blacks are better off not depending on whites like MLK dreamed

too based for this world.
1 of the few blacks i have unwavering respect for.
he wasn't just some chimp, he really studied and lived his ideals. he was a very good leader for his people.
pretty much like a hitler. or a george lincoln rockwell.

i'll never say anything bad about him after studying him a bit..
mlk on the otherhand...
what a niggerfaggot.
fuck mlk.
malcom x all the way.


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he was taken out the same way as george lincoln rockwell

Yeah but the nigger still wanted to have a piece of the pie, they have to go back.

i mean look at the shit he is saying in 1965...
when everyones all hippie dippie...
full blown commie aids.

and he's naming the jew, and putting his thumb on them with great accuracy...

thats pretty fucking based.
compare that to most other people then.

dude was not dumb.

wish more blacks studied malcom x
he's the real deal.

Yes everyone knows Magneto is cooler than Prof X

Fuck yes. He wanted to lift blacks up and be independent from gibs.

He went soft shortly before the end after his little trip to mecca. His death was a mercy killing if anything.

Yes because like any intelligent black man (there are very few) he understood that his race did not get where they were and would not get anywhere in the future without the white man.

He hated whites, and knew niggers and whites should never live together. In that way, he was based.


>after his little trip to mecca.
Abrahamic religions tend to do that. He was critical of the Jew but still fell into one of their religions. Unfortunate.

He was more principled than that nigger MLK, that is respectable.

came here to say this. last thing Kikes want is for blacks and whites to peacefully agree to live separate from each other while also joining forces to rid America of the kike parasites.

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He literally wanted black people to go back to Africa and was actively trying working to fund a settlement in Liberia you stupid moor.

if malcolm x and his base went to liberia, it would probably be a 3rd world nation by now..
instead of 5th or 6th or whatever it is.
haiti.. idk.

You're an idiot. Converting to Islam balanced his world view. He would have ended up militantly anti-white had he not met actual Muslims outside of the NOI cult.

Yes he was. Very intelligent person. I believe the kikes had him killed. He was on the verge of bringing true Islam into the American mainstream at a time when kikes were still trying to get a stranglehold on American politics.

>He would have ended up militantly anti-white had he not met actual Muslims outside of the NOI cult.
He always militantly anti-white retard, only difference is he actually supported segregation of both races to such an extreme it would have been ultimately a bigger benefit to whites. Blacks would have their little piece of land and remain closed off from the rest of the large majority white nation. Coexistence is fake and gay.