This cunt straight up admitted to violating the nuremberg code

"From the very beginning there is two reasons we have the vaccine card, one of them is ofcourse is to incentivize... to encourage people to be vaccinated. That was really important, especially at first"

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Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking hate this bitch so much. She always talks in a super low tone of voice to brainwash people with her cunty mommy voice. Fucking deep state WHORE!

Fundamental rights are being violated everywhere, and this is only the beginning.

They must be HONKED to the curb

She is a hypnotist

incentive: something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder
Is everyone feeling incentivized?
I'm surprised you use a z.
You have been Americanized.
Not penalize. She's trying to be nice.

The word youre looking for is "coerce", cunt. Go directly to jail, do not collect $200.

coming to you soon :
>"but we never FORCED to take it"
>"yes we may have fired you, forbid you to do any activity, forced you to close your shop, shamed you on the talmudvision and every newspapers 24/7, brainwashed your kids and parents, forbid you to get treated in public hospitals or to enter in any public space, forbid you to leave the country, threatened you and harassed you... but technically we didn't FORCE you to take it"
>soooo no refund, sorry but you can only blame yourself :)

Attached: vax not mandated goy lol.jpg (615x946, 64.95K)

This cunt broadened the vax mandates even more here today. Their end goal is 100% vaccination rates. Not 99.99%, but 100%.
I hope the truckers continue fucking up shit.

Yep that’s illegal. Need to get the international criminal court involved now. Canada is a signatory and she needs to be tried at Den Haag.



Holy shit she REALLY fucked up. Shitloads of those are private practice and vehemently anti vax with VERY deep pockets.

What a fucking moron holy fuck ahahahha. This is going to be a shit show.

ASMR speaking gross potato-nosed cunt can eat my runny shit after eating a triple cheese pizza

And how about this stiff?

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The most humiliating and engaging part of taking it (yes, I did, my job threatened me) was being forced to sign a waiver saying that I was taking the vaccine of my own choice and free will and understood the possible side effects.

i wish she was dead.


Bonnie must pack her shit and GTFO of BC. She's not even from here ffs.

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Bro I would have just quit right then and there even if it meant going homeless

that is some pretty ritualistic looking jewelry there

bro what about the stigma of being unvaxxed lol

you people are animals, and you will be treated accordingly
for you own good of course

Jail? You mean that place THEY fend US? Maybe THEIR cops will arrest her and THEIR judges will convict her. Maybe. I mean its not we're slaves or anything.

I will before I get the booster if they try to force that. I regret caving. I'm done.

same bro, I'm Canadian too and would rather be put in the most difficult of situations than take the vaccine. I don't give a fuck if it's "safe and effective", I am not taking it no matter what the cost. I will die before I allow someone to inject me.

it is because THE WORLD is ruled by communists from ww2!!!!!
communists from ww2 do not recognize nuremberg code.

That's pretty much what they said on CBC today. It was utterly Orwellian. I never thought my country would sink so low so fast. I grew up a patriot... and now I can never trust the government, doctors, or scientists ever again.

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>of my own choice and free will
that is usually a big redflag if signing anything
it usually means it has no legal backround until you sign it or has severe negative effects/outcome for you

She's mandated private medical practitioners be vaccinated. I have no idea how that works as she doesn't employ them. Did she pay their colleges to revoke their licenses if they don't jab? We're talking psychologists, telemedicine nurses, acupuncture people, chinese medicine people, chiropractors, dentists, naturopaths and pretty much anyone you have to pay out of pocket to see in a private business-client relationship. She only left out veterinarians.

Even if the vaccine is harmless (and thats a big if) they are conditioning us to accept loss of bodily autonomy.

Not sure about other countries but everyone in Canada who got the vax had to sign this waiver

>understood the possible side effects
Yes, I’m sure everyone who took the vaccines ‘fully understood’ the totally unknown side effects that could appear years from now and could’ve been anticipated by longer trials

Tons of these people are absolutely fucking loaded and massively anti vaccine.

What did that crazy bitch just do?

That's not true. Here in BC there is no waiver. There is nothing to sign. You just show up with your care card and get in line and go get the injection.

>psychologists, telemedicine nurses, acupuncture people, chinese medicine people, chiropractors, dentists, naturopaths and pretty much anyone you have to pay out of pocket to see in a private business-client relationship
Literally delusional if she thinks this is a good idea. What is the enforcement mechanism here? A fine?

What a stupid bitch. Shoot her in the head.

>The Nuremberg code
Yes goy, this Jewish law implemented to oppress Germans will protect you from the Jews trying to oppress you.

Still not gonna take it lol

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Kek. Saved.

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There's the artery. Clog it, and the brain dies.

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