Not my problem

Not my problem.

Attached: 94250411-46D1-49C6-B253-430CDFEBE7C5.png (918x485, 751.72K)

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Cum sticky uh wit my blicky uh

>Not my problem.
Literally not. Almost entirely created by Chink and Pajeet fishing fleets.

if you eat fish it is your problem.

We call this France.

Why isn’t Coca Cola and nestle held accountable for all the plastic waste they’ve caused?

Set it on fire

Shitty brown countries need to stop throwing all the garbage we gift to them into the water. That garbage is meant to stay in garbage countries where it belongs.

Attached: 1616395459219.webm (720x404, 953.18K)

Earth is a dump to those whose reality is a dump.

why does it stick together? It doesn't make sense unless it's some kind of static electricity and it's all just foam.

Why not toss it all into a volcano?

user gets it. anyone saying that white or western countries need to take responsibility for pollution has never been outside their suburban bubble. non 1st world countries live in literally shit and their towns, beaches and cities look like actual garbage dumps. i once went to a small town in bolivia just outside the salt flats and it is surrounded by an actual ring of strewn garbage. shitskin mutts and jungle goblins are a thousand times worse for the environment than westerners can ever be because they do not have the capacity to not live in shitholes.

pretty much this. White people are the cleanest ethnic group. Once you go to other countries they literally are too stupid to handle their garbage problem.

There's 20 rivers in Asia and South America that just pour millions of pieces of garbage straight into the ocean all day every day.

one day it'll be the 8th continent and wellt name it New India

Every time I bring this line of thought up to a liberal they just power down

Nobody can show any proof this exists. If you look online the most you'll find are infographic art which don't represent what they say it is; a large amount of loose trash in the water that isn't actually a visible patch or island or anything. There is no actual proof it's there, and if you dig into the subject at all you'll find a wild goose chase for anything conclusive whatsoever. Whats more is that, typical of any object for propaganda, if you question its existence at all you're immediately evil.

This sums it up. Some people migrate to awesome standard of living nations, and have no fucking regard for keeping that way, so that even their own kids can enjoy the quality of life that is present. Instead they abuse every gift and freedom and turn it into the shithole from which they came from.

all of the trash we have in American cities in thrown by black people. this is not an exaggeration. old black grandmas throw trash into the street.
I have lived in majority Asian and majority Mexican urban neighborhoods. no trash on the ground. black people? trash everywhere

Very much the true here. Similar goes for almost everything though. Anti guns without ever being even in an altercation, let alone a life threatening one. Free handouts to the poor without ever working with and understanding how misused monies are. All the shit that basically leftists are for that they've not experienced.

Indians are filthy creatures, they litter a ton

Checked. And spics.

Made by Asians. Eco Nazis should go scream at them to fix it.

doesn't look THAT big.

Fake and gay

Immagine those that created this want to solve it...

Who made riches out of selling disposable shit?
Whk paid lobysts to shut uo goverments/people and not disrupt via policy thei biz by setting oversights, reasnable restrictions and Proper Trwining of Users before they develop Horrible Habbits... who?

Its out problem, the Parasites of this eorld who pretend to care and work for some time ater good and in fact are 90% responsible for all of this.

Delusional Fucks.
Stone Age.
