The primary reason why (most) people get mad at vegans and vegetarians isn't because we're annoying (although we 100%...

The primary reason why (most) people get mad at vegans and vegetarians isn't because we're annoying (although we 100% are) it's because deep down they know that their lines that they draw are arbitrary, and that we have at least a little bit of a point. If you actually can and do slaughter your own animals then okay, fair enough, but most people don't and wouldn't unless it was necessary. That fact makes them uncomfortable.

I'm not a vegan and I openly don't give a fuck if people do eat meat, I just wish people wouldn't either do the thing where they pretend that they don't eat meat often OR do the thing where they're performative about how much they love meat. It's fragility. I have way more time for people who don't give a fuck that they do when they find out I don't eat meat than those who get performative either way. Those that do are uncomfortable and fragile

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that's a lot of words to reassure yourself

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nope, youre insufferable faggots

I don't make a point of bringing it up at all, but literally every time it comes out, people make a point about either how much they love meat, or how they've been cutting back. I don't give a shit, *I* don't need reassurance, but an awful lot of people seem to.

Nah, if people had to kill their own animals to eat them it would take about 5 low protein meals before they are ripping the heads off chickens themselves.

nigger I don't care
I just don't care at all
Vegans don't even annoy me, they are lolcows

Prediction: lots of people replying that they don't care, that I should shut up etc. who go through the effort of replying to a post that they could otherwise ignore if it didn't bother them

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No deep down it feels really good to eat meat really.

After a while your body "naturally" craves the meat, it is that essential to health.

I don't care about studies or w/e. My body tells me what is right, may I be overconsuming meat? Yes. Does this disprove my point? No.

As a vegan you can't talk about animal rights without first talking about human rights. You can't talk about human rights without first talking about your own bodies rights.

And it is the right of your body to be treated well, and meat is what it sometimes needs. Especially liver is golden.

No. It's just because you're annoying faggots.

no it's because you are annoying faggots. For instance this thread annoyed me so I came to call you a faggot. Kill yourself, I'm gonna go eat some bacon

so are you a chinaman trying to get me to accept eating dogs?

Yeah but they don't have to now and couldn't if pressed. With no other choice? Sure. I'd be eating meat like no-ones business, but I do have the choice and even though I don't care if others eat meat, and I tell them so, and even when I cook them meat, I'm the lodestone for their discomfort

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We are mad at you because you're destroying the bio mass and act like if you where the most virtuous people on earth.
Eat meat like a normal human and save the biomass.

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The reason I don't like vegans is because they are intellectually dishonest and try to say veganisn is the natural state of humans which is very obviously untrue. I also don't believe animals have or deserve any rights but they should be used ethically so far as ethical means that it provides the greatest benefit for humans. This could include reformed food production but it would not stem from a concern for animals or their well being but rather for the health and well being of humans.

Eating animals is dysgenic to all animal genomes.
When animals eat animals they eat the sick and the unfit.
>When humans kill animals for food they’re clever enough to kill the fittest.
Contrast with humans eating the fittest, most beautiful apple. You ate the apple and that apple’s traits live on when the seeds are taken to new land.
You kill an animal that is not sick or unfit because you have special tools you are removing good genes that spent millions of years perfecting themselves to end.

What is your response to

it's bullshit
not my problem

Shut the fuck up holy fuck I think I just caught aids

>we have at least a little bit of a point.
stopped reading at this point.

You perfect those genes yourself... it is what selective breeding is called, are you retarded?

There are specific cows for meat, for milk it is all highly specialized.

And for good reason, with increasing human population we need more of it for less, efficiency is n1 priority.

And another argument will be:

Animals in nature keep themselves in check.

Cattle can never survive in nature as they are now, we have a SYMBIOTIC, not a PARASITIC, relationship.

>It's fragility
Israel is an illegitimate state.

Grow your own and slaughter your own meat. Agriculture kills animals, simple as.

YOUR lines are arbitrary. If you cared about animals cruelty, you and your soigoys would be protesting Kosher and Halal killing. You stupid faggot hipster.