Repeat after me:

Racism is not okay
Misogyny is not okay
Covid denialism is not okay

What began with resistance to Joe’s anti-vax anti-science attitude has uncovered his prolific use of the n-word. Now we see that he is also racist towards Asian, and hates women, and the differently-abled.

Repeat after me:


Attached: 47045A31-5856-435A-A130-2FF3A5DD4A20.jpg (1284x984, 756.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get a life faggot.

>muh isms
you have to go back


One post by this ID

Ching Chong Chow!! Wogan go NOW! Ching Chong Chow!! Wogan go NOW!

Also, slide thread.

>let's talk about this celebrity goy!

>we're not gona stop until someone is outraged enough!!
no bump, quadruple niggerfaggot

>Repeat after me
You will never be a women.

Attached: 1632457044405.webm (768x576, 2.93M)

just go the fuck back faggot please for the love of christ. the spacing itself is a dead giveaway

>Repeat after me:
Racism is okay
Misogyny is okay
Covid denialism is okay

kill yourself

Attached: 1595293296567.gif (356x356, 3.79M)

i got banned from r/CrackWatch for calling fitgirl (who is a self identified tranny) fitboy.

point is, you people are cancer and need to go.

Attached: suicide_bomb_waifu.jpg (2039x1671, 337.08K)

New Montage of Joe Rogan Saying Mean Things Surfaces Online

all of that is okay.
op is a fucking faggot
gooks speak like retards.
misogony is a jew word that means nothing
that bitch is a nigger loving retard that ruined a school district with her disgusting family of aids mutts
covid is fake and gay like your dreams of being a woman.

Attached: 1628294104101.jpg (498x474, 33.99K)

Neil Young killed a woman

Attached: DIEversity.gif (293x400, 2.67M)

Joe doesn't work for Spotify.
Wherever he goes the audience goes.
Seethe moar, faggot.

Attached: hahahaha.gif (500x455, 460.76K)

repeat after me:
>> I will never be a real communist if I wer to ever meet a rea communist they would stomp the shit outta me

1st step to fixing your problems is admitting you have them. your whole narrative is disintegrating just STFU already

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any forward going joe thread is a slide thread. hey op/rabbi, how's the Maxwell trial going? any kids found yet?

Attached: 1559846744430.jpg (400x400, 14.03K)

>newly resurfaced clips
Lmao they've been sitting on this shit for years just waiting to do a coordinated attack. It's extra funny now when covid and restrictions are going away worldwide. You remember that this is what it was about right? "Medical misinformation"?
That's why we're now on week 3 of "Rogan is a racist".

Very logical and very cool.

Attached: Judas.jpg (1079x815, 506.23K)

he can't keep getting away with this

Good. A little racism is healthy.
>T. Asian

Yawn. Joe isn't going anywhere. Stay mad.

Kek saved