Kellogg's pays UBI to illegals

These cornflakes are funding the invasion.

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Not interested in your little thread, bigot.
This is now a Jimmy Johns thread, let's talk about our favorite Jimmy Johns locations and sandwiches.

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Kellogs also supported the circucision back in the day so jewish behaviour isnt new to them

Same faggots who funded promoting circumcision way back when, fucking imagine that.

Wasnn't Kellogg an absolute fucking nutjob? Not surprised their still a bunch of fuckheads

Never had Jimmy Johns, there's one up the road from me. What would you recommend if I stopped in there today?

Yes maybe someone should bring some fertilizer to jimmy johns so they can grow their sandwich stuff better.


Jesus hates the USA. Obviously.

This and digits.

it surprises you that corporations are the enemy?


I fucking hate American corporations they are evil

>pic related
Lol of course this is at the very top

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>corporations and conglomerates want to bring in cheap labor to maintain profit margins
no fucking way, I just don't believe it

Agribiz and lumber have been doing this for 20 years. I'm not saying that tired old "it's always been like this" bullshit, I'm saying these are the enemies of the white man in America mo0reso than the faggot-ass culture industry or scoial media.

it's just sugar

eat eggs and meat for breakfast

who still buy cereals ffs?

it's just loaded with sugar and shit

Hes a fucking cheater who doesnt deserve 1 championship much less 7

isnt this the company that just had a strike because they werent paying enough lmao.

I'd recommend you use their parking lot to look up the closest Jersey Mike's if you're looking for cold cuts or Penn Station for Philly cheese steak (extra mayo and mustard, plus ask for vinegar to add to your ketchup for the fresh cut fries)

Club Sub extra mayo and add the pepper relish at Jersey Mike's, on white

Get the sandwich they a good sandwich

Fruity Pebbles are awesome tho.

What would happen if we paid domestic farm workers (US citizens) the fair market value of their labor?

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Corporatism/capitalism has brought the devil into this world. Change my mind. It's why God is destroying America.

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imagine a sammich you could make at home, but 8 inches long. that's about what it taste like.

Don't forget the enemas