Jewish boss saved me

what do you do if you boss is jewish and you're a goy, and he's the reason you have a good job cause he recruited you

how does a Any Forumsack recognize this fact?

Lots of jewish bosses are lifting so many anons out of poverty

Any anons relate?

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i had a jewish boss, didnt know when i signed
told him to his face to fuck off in front of the entire company, and resigned.
i was young but already an antisemite

why would you fuck your life up like that?
Was it a good job?

>why would you fuck up your life
If success means literally groveling at a Jew's Feet for shekels, then I'll be a loser.

Id politely refuse because im smart enough to not fall onto someone elses pocket, jew or not.

but if he respects you and gives you responsabilities

my jewish boss one time saved my ass.. personally stopped me from being laid off. I love jews.. I would give my life for them

This. I’ll rather massage your butt leaf and clean your apartment, then he shlomo’s slave

I don’t care; I’ll rather massage your french feet and literally make you hug me everyday then he scholomo’s slave

Evil people sometimes need to do good deeds in order to achieve a larger scale evil plan.

This never happened. Kikes are a scourge and can only do evil things


oh look. the average maga

i hate Trump..but I love the jewish people and one time considered becoming a jew.. but is hard.. they are strict

he didn't do any of this shit because he's a larping faggot. No one with any sense worth listening to would stab themselves in the neck like this and never be able to get another job because when the new employer calls the old employer the old employer says "he called me a kike in front of the entire company and sperged out about niggers"

A stereotype is a generalization, not a law or rule. Welcome to the end of the bell curve but I can say with a lot of certainty that should a choice of tribe or right thing come up, the tribe will win out. Very few are Bobby Fischer tier.

It's always a part of some bigger, evil and gay plot.

t. happened to me a lot of times

(((You))) did much worse to me as part of your stalking and mobbing. LOL. I don't even care anymore.

no true scotsman

i think his job was just a shit job, thats why he didnt answer back
maybe most anons here are labourers and not upper middle class

Or yet another mobbing by jews, they do it all the fucking time and everywhere, and since it uses plausible denial, it's hard to notice or convince retarded normies that they do it.
You can find lots of article about the typical tricks they use.