Millionaire Dave Chappelle doesn't want poor people near his properties

Dave Chappelle threatening to take all of his business interests out of his town unless city council torpedos a proposed affordable housing development plan

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No matter what race or ideology, it's rich vs. poor. Never forget that.

The alleged hatred that racist whites feel for Jews and blacks is nothing compared to their hatred for the poor, including poor whites, when those racist whites are middle class or wealthier. The topics of race and ideology are nothing more than a fun hat to wear and a topic of discussion over a dinner party. Race, ideology, even sexuality are cast by the wayside in the face of social class. The rich will act in solidarity with each other without communication, and they are all disgusted by the thought of being seen with the poor on semi-equal terms, like at a hangout spot or at a dinner party. They will only be seen from a position of superiority, such as in a hierarchical organization where people are conditioned to kneel to power, or to flaunt it over their lessers.

He spent a lot of money escaping black people. It is kind of a dick move on their part to bring extra black people into an area that didn't have them before.

You people are leeches.

Yea because rich successful niggers with any brains don't want to live around niggers.
I don't want live near them either.

Redpilled take

> affordable housing for niggers
They building prison in his neighborhood?

i have no clue what he said

Very true. Sometimes I think communism isn't so bad after all.

dave chapelle is a dumb monkey nigger

The single driving motivation to do better, get a better job, earn more money is to move farther a way from niggers. This is the story of human life through all of history.

>He spent a lot of money escaping black people
> threatening to take all of his business interests out of his town
> Dave Chappelle threatens to commit white flight

"Affordable housing projects" are eye sores that destroy nature in favor of giant shitty apartment complexes that only bring in drug addicts, niggers and crime. I'd be pissed also.

settle down commies

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The first thing a nigger with money does is move away from other niggers.

>Vic Berger
Amazing how a guy who used to make funny video edits is now putting his full communist agenda on display.

You think you're talking about Dave Chappelle, but you're actually talking about everyone in the United States with gainful employment.

He’s right

Low income housing is just a breeding ground for useless druggies and a bandaid fix for a shitty housing market

Show flag kike

Blacks don't like niggers ask Chris Rock.

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I can see why he doesn't want that in his town, but he needs to stop pretending to be a lefty democrat in his act if he wants to say this in public. You can't play both sides.

google section 8

Fuck niggers

"Affordable Housing" is just code for having the taxpayer pay to plant families of criminal nigs in your area and turn the area into a ghetto because that's what nigs do.

>jewish delegation chooses

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i didn't used to believe this but i'm starting to come around to this take. The more I see the so called elite do absolute fuck up retard brainlet things that could only be done by people who inherited power from their parents but who are too brainlet to understand how to wield it so they end up just lying being corrupt and making absolute nigger iq'd decisions and fucking everything up, the more I believe there is no elite plan and just a bunch of retards with too much money and power that they don't understand.

>Low income housing is just a breeding ground for useless druggies
Yea that's usually all it is and what's it's used for now. Against nice white little towns.
Oh look everyone is middle to upper middle class and rich here in this little charming town.
There's not any homes there that are cheap!
There's no trash anywhere!

affordable housing wouldn't be a problem if everyone had a high IQ.
We can give everyone a high IQ with a form of selective breeding called eutelegenesis.

Kek. Change, they said.

Once niggas get control, legit change gun happen, they said.

why didn't millionaire dummy buy any available adjacent land?

Even 'smart' blacks hate niggers. Never forget that. Nigger.

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It's not even a bandaid fix for shitty housing, it's a misnomer and a lie and doesn't do anything to address any legitimate problems with housing. Saying that the housing market is shit because useless fucking niggers and drug addicts can't afford houses is so fucking retarded. Any retard with a couple years of employment can qualify for an FHA loan with pennies for a downpayment, the problem being that you have to be a functioning member of society.

And disabled folks like myself have to live in such housing and among such people. FML

in the manga one piece they are called celestial dragons, in real life they are descendants of rabbinical dynasties

and they are exactly as you dsecribe

government measures = suck my dick you retarded commie

He dont want to be around niggers.

>No matter what race or ideology, it's rich vs. poor. Never forget that.

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OK commie. I am middle class and live in a poor white area. No way in hell would I trade poor whites for niggers. But the "poor" whites that you state we hate are the ones who have adopted nigger culture. Nobody blinks an eye at a poor white country man. But nobody can fucking stand a poor white wigger. In conclusion: fuck you, commie. And "low income housing" is code word for moving niggers and spics into your nice neighborhood. Whites don't get approved for that unless you are a ghetto single mom with kids.

>No matter what race or ideology, it's rich vs. poor. Never forget that.

He moved out to Ohio and married an Asian specifically to get away from niggers, same reason white liberals are moving to the mid-West

No one has a problem living around working class whites because these states are majority working class "flyover" people

Socialized housing is a terrible thing because it leaves degenerates too much free time they should be spending on making money for their landlord.


Are we talking townhouses with low rent, or section 8? I have no problem with an apartment complex run by a profit seeking entity. I do have a problem with section 8 crackheads being shipped in from other parts of the state.

Cuz Dave knows what happens when a town putsi n "affordable" housing units. Niggers hate niggers. Guy is based and just saved that town.

You don't, you just have to be not retarded. That's if you're legitimately on SSDI. You don't have a limit on assets and even SSI doesn't count your primary living residence in your assets I don't think. You just have to save money for a downpayment. You might even qualify for FHA, if not I'm sure there are government programs to assist disabled persons/people with social security incomes in buying a home.

>This is the story of human life through all of history.
I don't know why so many people here reject Out of Africa.

>build low income housing
>the people who end up living in it are drug addicts, thieves, and generally shady pieces of shit
>build homeless shelters
>the homeless are literally mostly thieves, drug addicts, and 18% of them are convicted sex offenders
>adding a bunch of low life pieces of shit to your area brings the actual good property values down
>adding a bunch of low life pieces of shit also creates all kinds of safety/biohazards, increases crime/violence, and hurts business both large and small

Ask yourself this: Why would anyone outside of ignorant retards who have never owned property or actually lived in proximity with the poor/homeless support creating low income housing?...

Even niggers who make fun of racist white people....don't want to live around niggers.

>We can give everyone a high IQ with a form of selective breeding called eutelegenesis.
Well you could alter the fetus which they talked about for 50 years.
But you can also alter a virus. A virus that attacks DNA. You take out the virus information from the cell, and input new information. Virus shell still infects DNA however new information tells it what to do. Conceivably, you could make someone smarter with a shot.
Or give them blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, and damaged immune systems that shorten their life spans to something like 6-8 years.
You know, whatever you want.

>No matter what race or ideology
Stopped there

It's honestly embarassing and pathetic listening to people argue about niggers and jews and trannies when we are all being equally financially raped by the wealthy upper class.

Fuck that, he gets a taste of being white now.

Based and agreeable. Was probably hilarious without him even meaning it to be.
Socialized housing is a bad thing because of niggers. You don't have it in your town and it shows, or you're a nigger.

People have to get killed for this shit.

Affordable housing just means more crime. Nobody wants that.

daily reminder occupy wallstreet was perverted by the so-called elites into a race war instead of class war using blm and blah blah

he did. is far m is like a quarter mile off the road back in the woods. He's not complaining about them being next door neighbors He's complaining about a town that he's heavily invested in getting fucked up by garbage residents.

Can't blame him for that.


Clayton Bigsby strikes again!

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Kill yourself.

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>it's a class war, goy. forget about the jews
I can smell the matzo from here.
I'll tell you what. I'll agree to entirely integrated housing. I'll rent out my garage to the poorest whites anyone can dig up.
but only after all jews have been exterminated. sound fair?

Bro you just let out that brain diarrhea retard spiel in a thread about a millionaire black person wanting to live in a middle upper class white town to get away from niggers and white trash

get a fucking grip

Well yeah superpredators need somebody to prey on.

>based department **ring ring**
Dave, it's for you again

People rarely bring it up but black flight is a thing. Black people who have it together flee the neighborhood just like whites do when it goes down hill.

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thats because Dave knows it will just bring niggers, and he didnt work his ass off to climb his way out of the niggercesspools to have it brought to his doorstep.

correction: affordable housing means urban densification to support ever expanding municipal debt based on false assumptions of ever increasing population.

you're the white trash people want to get away from

when the lights out
and they will
its every man for himself
>accelerate and purge

Nobody...I mean nobody wants to live around poor niggers. No matter how much white people bitch about how they love niggers or BLM, they DO NOT want poor niggers in their community.

I have a neighbor down the street who had all this BLM bullshit in her yard. I will guarantee she would not send her white kids to a school in an all black city..guaran-fucking-teed

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Dave understands niggers. Good for him.

The rest of the town thinks the same about him as he does about the gangbangers ((they)) want to move in.

Just looked up Yellow Springs. That area is kind of rural. There's no logical reason to even build high density low income apartments out there.

Rich lefty democrat's shutting down affordable housing in their neighborhoods is a proud white tradition. Why wouldn't he get in on it.

what sort of business would you own where you don't want more people close to the business?

it got subverted into both. class warfare is a race to the bottom. the occupy wall street people wanted accountability, then it was segmented down into identity politics, but only within specific confines. funny how whites vs blacks is fine, but the second someone goes
>that guy has a weirdly big nose

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Most "affordable housing" (globohomo term for subsidized/public housing) actually increases housing costs overall because it's created by buying up market-rate units and having the government operate them. This decreases the overall supply in the housing market, thus increasing the price for other consumers.

And it's an even bigger disaster when the government itself tries to build housing to use, it ends up costing 3x what a commercial project would and the building quality is usually horrendous, many have to be torn down within 20 years due to all the issues such as leaks, contamination, and electrical issues.

>but anyway, white people, am I right retarded white audience? you know what I'm sayin

Nah corruption is corruption bro. Chappelle has always been a bourgeois bohemian. A modern day Cosby. He is obsessed with black people shit yet married a non black. Lots of adopted black kids or black kids from middle class families are like this. You fuckers thought Chappelle was based back in 00s. He was always full of shit.

About the rich being out of touch, this is true, but some political ism wont fix shit because hierarchies will never die. As long as we reject God and put the all powerful state in its place we are fucked. We will see more luciferian madness. Because though out of touch rich fags might often be retarded, the wickedness will not stop and will only get more satanic. Wake up you dumb commies.

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Shut up, kike.

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Seriously, I'll even forgive him being a weepy fucktard about Floyd. The man is real a lot when it counts.
>Juicy SmooYay
I fucking died. I wonder what his opinion on NASCAR noose panic nigger was.
2 out of 3 is better than anything we'll get out of celebrities these days.

it's not really mutually exclusive, having everyone including 99% of "elites" be retarded corrupt fucking morons makes it possible for a tiny group of closely connected and less-retarded elites to pull off cOmsPirAmCy ThEoRiEs like "convince everyone to inject themselves with unnecessary mild poisons to make them even more retarded and dependent on the state and megacorporations for their daily needs".


He doesnt want junkies and meth heads in his town, gee what a suprise.
As someone who grew up watching family members shooting up dope and raising all kinds of hell for their loved ones i perfectly understand.
Shit im from a poor dope ruined family if theres was a millitia going around killing these walking crimes against humanity id sign right up on the spot and sponsor as much as i could out of my own pocket.
Fuck human trash and their enablers.
>muh poor vs rich
Why are they poor? Because they took the wrong path at every turn, got pregnant in highschool, focused more on social life than career, was naive enough to become some drug dealers strawberry.
Fuck off with that shit you enable your own societal suffering.

I'm poor as fuck. I don't want a fucking housing development around me either.

Wow what a shitty meme lol.

Yes David is a Jewish name and he was in show business so it should give you a pretty good idea he is Jewish and hates everyone who isn’t Jewish

Low income housing equates to crime, single motherhood, societal decay, closing businesses, and a whole lotta lost revenue and future prospects. It’s hard to come back from too.

literally anything other than a convenience store, liquor store, or off track betting parlor will suffer from the presence of affordable housing

>niggers hate niggers
rich hate the poor
chapelle doesn't care what color the poor are

I won't.

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based as fuck
these people will tell you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and put in 80 hours a week while they print money endlessly and rig markets in their favor

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They always move in threes.

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Based Dave

If your skillset begins and ends in flipping burgers you deserve it.

This is like deporing Mexican invaders back to their home country!

They’re very proud of where they come from— they just want to feel that pride in a comfortable White society

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it's always the jews. it always has been. it always will be. on that, we agree. once they're gone, you'd find that a lot of racial tension evaporates. I don't give a fuck for capitalism. but classist thinking is equally bullshit, and only benefits the jews. because it's a war of each level against the one below them, funded by the top level.

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It is not that I hate someone for being poor (as long as they are trying and working hard to be contributing members of society instead of welfare collectors and druggies). Most "poor" are going to be black and they are going to be drains on society.

There is nothing wrong with the government providing socialized housing for the disabled, ill, and the elderly. The issue is when we subsidize people who could/should be able to do productive work in society. The system is also structured to punish people who get jobs by immediately kicking them out of their homes since they now make "too much to qualify", putting them back into the cycle of poverty.

We also spend more to house criminal niggers and illegal immigrants than we do to house college students. Think about that, if you're a nigger felon you get checks from the government, but if you're trying to get an engineering degree and your family can't afford college, you have to take on a lifetime of student loan debt.

I don't think that's a communist take, actually the opposite - a human take - and helps explain why communism doesn't work. The classism described the post you were responding to exist at all levels of the hierarchy, no matter how poor. Indian society is a good example. But you can see it in the USA as well. I grew up in rural southeastern Ohio where everyone was poor. But we sure did make fun of those hillbilly West Virginians.

All true,
Right-wing politics is social politics.

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memeflags are always faggots, no exceptions

I wonder what a cross-section of that (((upper class))) looks like, and has looked like since Charlemagne

>it's always the Jews
Oil barons paid right wing Jews to make you and everyone you talk to on this website retarded.

Aight, anyone has links to some plebbit threads on this shit? I want commie tears. I know there are some in this thread already, but I'm really thirsty. Help a brother out. I'll even leave a rat for you in exchange.

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most jewish thing ive seen all day